Further support for Bedrock Edition mods (addons) if possible

Started by vfran2 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Last seen on 07:48, 5. May 2024
Joined Oct 2022

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Further support for Bedrock Edition mods (addons) if possible

I'm not sure about the difficulty in doing this (considering I don't know a lot about coding) but I feel further support for Bedrock addons could really help some projects, and see more people using MCreator as a whole (considering a majority of Minecraft players use Bedrock Edition), and further streamline the process of addon creation. Now, I think I need to explain what I mean by "further support". When I say this, I'm thinking of adding more features, like custom structures, more entity options, maybe even procedures(?), etc. Obviously you can't do everything, like custom dimensions, because you can't do that with addons in the first place. Despite the limits, though, you could get pretty close to a regular MCreator modding experience (if you aren't using custom code). Unless it is too difficult (or it is in the works and i'm just inconsiderate), then adding further support would be beneficial to a lot of people. (sorry if this is a duplicate)