How to make underwater villages?

Started by ChickenSpeed12 on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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How to make underwater villages?

Ive regreted it. Ive regreted starting with the water dimension. Nothings working. I followed Northwesttrees' tutorial on how to make villages with procedures. Did it work? No. The village spawners stick around and the villages spawn on TOP of the water. I've tryed changing any "air" to "water." Nothing works. I need help. A LOT.

Active 1 month ago
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Speaking from personal…
Tue, 07/18/2023 - 01:44

Speaking from personal experience, making villages generate properly is a nightmare. It's not totally impossible, but it may be more effort than it's worth.

For your initial problem, you probably just need to make sure your surface detection procedure is set to 'Ocean Floor,' not 'World Surface,' otherwise it will read the water surface as a solid location. ...But making underwater structures is difficult for several other reasons. You'll need additional procedures to check or alter the terrain correctly, will need to either design your structures waterlogged or write procedures to manually fill them with water, etc. 

Again, not impossible, but any structure involving multiple components is very difficult to get working properly, so be prepared to rewrite a bunch of stuff, especially if you're using someone else's code.

Active 1 year ago
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that as in For your initial…
Tue, 07/18/2023 - 12:30


as in

For your initial problem, you probably just need to make sure your surface detection procedure is set to 'Ocean Floor,' not 'World Surface,' otherwise it will read the water surface as a solid location.