Fantastic Bombastic

Published by shabbones on
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-Fantastic Bombastic is a combat and pvp centered mod, introducing unique new bomb weapons for the mid to late game (post nether). This mod adds 13 new recipes, 1 new crafting station, 10 new materials, 6 new weapons/tools, & 4 new entity effects that all fit well into the vanilla setting while still spicing up the game and adding plenty to experience.


-Fantastic Bombastic adds the following: Crafting station=Explosives Bench | Materials=Wart Rubber, Rubber Funnel, Fuse Cutter, Netherite Bowl, Casing Mould, Fuse Spool, Smoke Paste, Tracking Paste, Blast Slime, & Toxic Slime | Items=Bomb Pouch, Dynamite, Smoke Bomb, Tracker Bomb, Blast Bomb, Toxin Bomb | Effects=Smoked, Tracked, Blasted, Toxified. Before being able to make any of these you will need to have harvested plenty of supplies from the nether.


-There is a full crafting guide included above with the exception of the recipe for Dynamite, which is just in a crafting table TNT>9 Dynamite.


-Once you have gathered the required supplies shown in the crafting guide, assemble an Explosives Bench. Right click your Explosives bench to open the crafting GUI where you can then make the four types of bombs. There are three categories of bombs=tactical (Smoke Bombs & Tracker Bombs), lethal (Blast Bombs & Toxin Bombs), tool (Dynamite). Smoke Bombs give the effect Smoked to target, blinding & impairing vision for 10 seconds. Tracker Bombs give the effect Tracked to target, making them glow for 50 seconds, and also alerting them for 5 seconds as soon as they have been given the Tracked Effect. Blast Bombs deal explosive damage to target without destroying the terrain and also give the Blasted effect making them weak for five seconds after being Blasted. Toxin Bombs are perhaps the deadliest bomb, giving the effect Toxified to target, making the target immediately throw up all their food (hunger), making them dizzy (nausea), and poisoning them severely (poison). It will not kill the target, however the poison is so strong that they will quickly reach half a heart if they do not eat a golden apple, drink milk, or drink health/regen potions. Bombs only stack to 16 (Dynamite to 64) so you will want to craft a Bomb Pouch to hold an additional 64 Bombs of each type, for a total of 256 extra bombs.

Planned updates:

-No planned updates currently. If you have suggestions for anything to be added, adjusted, or notice bugs feel free to leave a comment.


-please leave a comment if you like the mod, notice any bugs or issues, or would like to see any specific changes or updates in the future

Minecraft mod files
FantasticBombastic-fabric-1.19.2-v0.0.jar - Fantastic Bombastic version 0.0 for fabric 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 09/20/2023 - 05:55   File size: 197.05 KB
FantasticBombastic-fabric-1.19.2-v0.1.jar - Fantastic Bombastic version 0.1 for fabric 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 09/30/2023 - 10:10   File size: 197.05 KB

most to least recent=top-bottom


-v0.1 fixed tracker bomb being incorrectly named smoke bomb


-v0.0 mod created