iFamished ModPack

Published by iFamished on
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This mod adds the following features to Minecraft:


Obsidian armor and tools

Quartz armor and tools

Copper armor and tools

Amethyst armor and tools

Emerald armor and tools

Hardened Sculk armor, tools, and blocks

Steel armor, tools, and blocks

Chorus Trees, planks, buttons, pressure plates, etc.

Ignition Enchantment (credit to whoever made the tutorial on this youtube video.)(Makes TNT ignite instantly)

Iron Touch enchantment (any block mined drops that block plus an Iron Ingot. DON'T WORRY. It is extremely hard to get, and I have debuffed it quite a bit.)

Sculk Fields Biome

Sculk Dimension (Travel to it by using the Sculk Dimension Gateway item on the portal-looking structure in the Ancient City.)

New painting called I Famished Mod Painting (I will change the name for that I just don't know what to call it yet. Also, it is the same painting as the mod picture.)

Achievement for entering the Sculk Dimension


Sorry! This mod's development has ended. Reasons: Too many bugs and texture inconsistencies. Good news though: I still have other mods in development! Some of which have some of the features in this mod (but better). Please check them out!

Minecraft mod files
iFamished ModPack 1.0.6.jar - Minecraft 1.20.1 Mod V1.0.5 Uploaded on: 01/19/2024 - 00:28   File size: 4.26 MB
iFamished ModPack 1.0.5.jar - Minecraft 1.20.1 Mod V1.0.5 Uploaded on: 01/18/2024 - 21:57   File size: 4.23 MB
iFamished Mods 1.0.4.jar - Minecraft 1.20.1 Mod V1.0.4 Uploaded on: 01/18/2024 - 17:08   File size: 366.55 KB
iFamished Mods 1.0.3.jar - Minecraft 1.20.1 Mod V1.0.3 Uploaded on: 01/18/2024 - 16:38   File size: 314.62 KB

1.0.4     Changed Portal Gateway texture. Also changed texture of Ancient City Portal. (I will change the mod pic since I changed the texture of the portal)

1.0.5     Added Quartz Armor and Tools. Added Achievement for entering the Sculk Dimension. Added new painting.

1.0.6      Added "Milk" fluid. Added the Sculk Dimension Gateway item into all loot tables. Edited the Sculk Fields biome to have trees.

Working on this mod again! Check out my mods at https://modrinth.com/user/iFamished

Should I make a better version of this mod? (Like the Sculk Dimension part)

this mod is amazing! This mod is the best one i have ever seen! go download now!!!