Hunger Dexterity

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❓ F.A.Q.

Will Hunger Dexterity be compatible with Fabric? Quilt?
I do not plan to add Hunger Dexterity to other modding engine other than Forge.

What if other people want to play this mod but don't understand English?
Hunger Dexterity provides a Spanish version in the languages menu. Support for other accessible languages for this mod will come in the future.

How can I figure out how to use the tools?
There is an item in the mod called a "Toolbook". It shows you how to use tools that aren't required in a Crafting Recipe. Just click on an item on the right page and it will show you the process. It even provides a sneak peek of the next update!



Can I help with ideas?
You may give out ideas for newer foods. I will consider giving credit in a special list of users who gave out ideas.

May I use this in a modpack?
You will need permission to use the mod in a modpack.

Can I repost this on another website to download mods from?
You may never in any circumstances repost this mod anywhere. If you happen to do so, I will have no other choice but to ask you to take it down.


Minecraft mod files
hunger-dexterity-1.4-forge1.19.2.jar - The Camping Update (Update 1.4) Uploaded on: 03/22/2024 - 20:01   File size: 1.07 MB

Don't let the goats get near your food... The Camping Update is available for download today! (this is probably the biggest update I've made so far)


Added Carving Nail (tool)
Added Pancake Batter (tool)
Added Pancakes (food)
Added Oak Sap (food)
Added Spruce Sap (food)
Added Birch Sap (food)
Added Jungle Sap (food)
Added Acacia Sap (food)
Added Dark Oak Sap (food)
Added Mangrove Sap (food)
Added Crimson Sap (food)
Added Warped Sap (food)
Added Pancakes with Different Sap Variants (foods)
Added Exposed Stripped Log Variants (blocks)
Added Marshmallow (food)
Added Marshmallow on a Stick (food)
Added Buffaloberry (food)
Added Buffaloberry Bush (plant)
Added Buffaloberry Juice (drink)
Added Vanilla Flower (plant)
Added Vanilla Bloom (tool)
Added Vanilla Extract (tool)
Added Graham Cracker (food)
Added Cinnamon (tool)
Added Salt (tool)
Added Salty and Exposed Andesite (block)
Added Salted Dough (tool)
Added Bottle of Gravy (food)
Added Biscuit (food)
Added Biscuit with Gravy (food)
Added S'more (food)
Added Raw, Cooked, and Smoked Bacon (foods)
Added Raw and Cooked Hot Dog (foods)
Added Hot Dog Bun (food)
Added Cooked Hot Dog in a Bun (food)
Added Cooked Hot Dog in a Bun with Ketchup (food)
Added Toolbook


Renamed "H.D. Tools" Creative Tab to "H.D. Misc"
Reworked Banana Plant and changed its textures


Use a carving nail on a wood log or andesite to get your desired results!


The Toolbook shows off some tutorials on how to use certain tools present in the mod. It may also give off a sneak peek of the next update...


This flower drops a Vanilla Bloom, which is used to create Vanilla Extract. You can find it in the Flower Forest, Forest, and Forest Hills biomes.


The banana plant has been reworked to be a Double Grass model, with textures made by coderman932. The drop rate has also been changed to give off more than usual. You can find it in the Bamboo Jungle, Bamboo Jungle Hills, Jungle, Jungle Hills, Modified Jungle, Modified Jungle Edge, and Sparse Jungle biomes.

Other textures such as the Hot Dog Bun and Hot Dog in a Bun were made by coderman932.


This plant drops Buffaloberries. You can find it in the Birch Forest, Birch Forest Hills, Old Growth Birch Forest, and Old Growth Birch Hills biomes.


Keep in mind that this update will be the last to be rendered in Minecraft 1.19.2. Hunger Dexterity will be ported to the newest version of Minecraft in the next update, so please backup your worlds if you want to keep your progress! Thank you for understanding.