This mod adds an animation after a Wither altar has been built, to make players feel more involved in the game and actually feel that a Boss Battle is about to come, instead of the boring, usual, immediate spawn of the Wither, that makes it feel useless.
(You can disable the animation with the command: "/gamerule witherSpawnAnimation false" but this won't take effect on already built altars)
-Always stand in front of the altar while you're placing the skulls
-This mod can be used in multiplayer, make sure that the player who is building the altar is the closest player to it too (when the animation starts playing it doesn't matter anymore)
Works with Cracker's Wither Storm Mod too!
-fixed a bug that caused the altar to fall
-fixed a bug that caused the altar to never spawn the Wither
-fixed plenty of graphical issues
-did some optimization
-major changes in the core system of how the mod works
-added a gamerule to disable the animation
-decreased animation duration by 3.2 seconds