Necromancer Fight!

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Adds the Necromancer from Castle Crashers to the game! It even includes sound effects and music!

Use the Totem of Necromancy to spawn the boss, who then summons a LOT of mobs!

Upon spawning, the Necromancer spawns a few zombies, skeletons, and creepers

After 75% HP, the Necromancer will spawn drowned, zombies, pillagers, and skeletons each hit. 10% chance to spawn an evoker aswell.

After 50% HP, the Necromancer will spawn blaze, stray, husk, vindicator, and cave spiders. 5% chance to spawn a ravager aswell.

After 25% HP, the Necromancer has a 10% chance each hit to fly up into the air and spawn a bunch of witches, endermites, and wither skeletons before dropping back down.

The boss is immune to fall damage, fire, cactus, potions, lightning, drowning, and withering.

Guaranteed drops the Evil Sword and a Summoning Crystal on kill!

Evil Sword does 11 damage, and has an average attack speed.

Summoning Crystal spawns 1 iron golem on you when right clicking! One time use.

Minecraft mod files
necromancer-1.0.0-neoforge-1.20.6.jar Uploaded on: 08/25/2024 - 17:13   File size: 4.01 MB