you cant hide
the stalker is a creature of the night, the soul of a vengeful man, watching you with great curiosity.......however, he isnt worried about getting violent or bloody.....he always sees you, and he always finds you........
i had made and released the glitched zombie before this, the idea was traditional minecraft horror mods didnt feel like real minecraft entities or glitches, but i also decided to make a more traditional horror mod too, cause as i said then aswell.....i still enjoyed those horror mods despite them not feeling real
this right here is a creature that will stalk you, stare at you........and the second it gets close enough, it becomes violent, hes very tough actually but might just not attack often in certain cases, i dont know why, i might change this if i can but basically his main priority is to watch you........stalk you.......so yeah, thats that
pre-release updates:
before the release the stalker actually was weaker and didnt prioritize attacking mobs that hit him as much
the stalker originally didnt have the "i see you" text
the stalker used to be more rare
at first i almost forgot to texture the stalkers spawn egg
the stalker was transparent at first but it didnt really fit him
the stalker used to despawn when you got far enough away but again, it didnt really fit him
these where all changed before release if that wasnt clear enough
after release changes:
i added a romanian translation to the description