Potato Cannon

Published by Dashy22 on
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Adds a potato cannon.

Make like in the second photo.

Put Item needed in off-hand and right-click to use it.

Does small recoil with enough power used.

No 2d item model sorry :(

  • Gunpowder - Used to charge up the cannon, the more the stronger the blast, the more damage and further.
  • Potato - Basic, Does the most Knockback, not by much though
  • Baked Potato - Pierces mobs and does the most damage, not by much though
  • Poisonous Potato - Gives the Poison effect to nearby mobs for 10 secs, does least base damage.
  • Hot Potato - Goes further, explodes with fire if used with enough gunpowder, and sets on fire nearby mobs while midair.

Made to learn something which I sadly couldn't figure out.

Adds a hot potato which is throwable when sneaking and in main hand, drop afterwords. Burns you while in main hand. Can be made/gotten with a

  1. Potato and blaze powder
  2. Baked Potato surrounded by magma cream.
  3. Or for free by running up to a blaze with a potato and clicking on it.

Have Fun!

Minecraft mod files
potato_cannon-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar - firsto releaseo Uploaded on: 09/11/2024 - 00:50   File size: 57.23 KB
potato_cannon-1.1.0-forge-1.20.1.jar - I finished this a week ago and even put the changelog but forgot to upload the file. Uploaded on: 09/20/2024 - 20:36   File size: 86.06 KB
  • Added a hot potato, read about it in the description
  • Added 2 new advancements
  • Reworked the potato cannon, not noticeable
  • Probably some other stuff

    Have Fun!

This will solve Minecraft's exploration and optimization problems immediately!
I wonder which is more powerful, your potato cannon or my frozen shrimp shooter...