the usual suspects
This is a recreation of the infamous "Titans Mod".
This mod aims to add vanilla mobs but in a titanic and overpowered form.
These are the current mobs in the mod :
Zombie Titan
Creeper Titan
Spider Titan
Cave Spider Titan
Skeleton Titan
Blaze Titan
Wither Skeleton Titan
Witherzilla (Laggy)
Mighty Mite
Slime Titan
Magma Cube Titan
Ender Colossus
Ultima Iron Golem Titan
Snow Golem Titan (Buggy, very laggy)
Zombie Piglin Titan
Ghast Titan (Buggy)
Reinforced Iron Golem
Reinforced Snow Golem
There are currently 3 alloys in the mod with their respective items:
Adminium (Unobtainable)
Other Items:
Ultima Blade (Cannot one-shot titans, some non-titans and others)
Projectile Shooter (TEST ITEM, NOT CHAFF)
Anti-Air Wither Turret (NOT WORKING)
Creepy Wither Doll (NOT WORKING)
To the creators of The Titans Mod, please DM true97 (Discord) if you want this mod to be taken down.
i also find witherzilla saying "your not safe from this mod either" is a cool concept