Picture showing all bosses added in the 1.0 version of this mod.
Here will be an explanation of the things this mod adds
Added in 1.0
The Fire God Spawns: on his Throne which can spawn in the overworld and has multiple different attacks
The Thunder Spartan: spawns in his Palace high in the sky Dealing heavy damage to players it comes across. Drops a Lighting Crate Key.
The Master Witch: Spawns from 2 new blocks you can craft simply by putting 2 of its body block and 1 head block on top.
Spawn Head: doesn't spawn naturally yet but is also very dangerous summoning currently the only non boss mob the tree minion when getting too close.
Tree Minion: faster then a creeper but much weaker and has less health, spawns in wood biomes.
Added in 1.1
BlightCaller: Master trickster with many ways to surprise you, his spawn egg can be bought with 2 nether stars from a master cartographer, and he drops a new crazy item.
New Blocks:
Master Witch Head Block: Can summon The Master Witch
Master Witch Body Block: Can summon The Master Witch
Lava Block: Scorthes your feet which increases your movement speed on it. Found in the Fire God's Throne structure and craftable with 8 iron bars and a lava bucket.
White Bedrock: Just a hard white block. Found beneath the Palace of The Thunder Spartan
Lightning Crate: A new chest type spawned only on the Thunder God's Palace that contains special loot, and can only be opened with a Lightning Crate Key.
Lucky Block: When broken can give the player positive or negative things. Can be crafted.
New Enchantment
LifeSteal: every hit on a mob using this enchantment gains you half a heart.
Angel Armor: When wearing the full set it grants slow falling 2. Crafted with entirely feathers for the helmet and boots but phantom membranes for the chestpiece and leggings.
Lightning Staff: Strikes Lightning to all entities in an area. Can be found in Lightning Chests.
Fire Wand: Right click while holding it and summon a fireball. Obtained after killing The Fire God.
BlightCaller Spawner: Can be obtained for 2 nether stars from an master cartographer.
Grenades: Its in a name. Can be crafted or gotten from lucky blocks.
Telekinesis Stick: Allows the manipulation of Entities, packaged with some wack movement
Added everything to this mod
1.1 build
- Added BlightCaller
- Added Blightcaller Spawner for trade with a master level cartographer
- Added Telekenesis Stick
- Changed Fire God’s Throne structure to be spawned in the overworld instead of the nether
- Made both structures less common
- Nerfed angel armor from diamond level to iron level with less durability.
- MasterWitch now spits at you when you get too close.
1.1 Hotfix
-Changed Blightcaller spawner to be traded from a Master Cartographer instead of an Expert Cartographer, this was because of an error where it would not generate with the expert one.
-Changed Fire God's Body Block to MasterWitch Body Block which was what it was supposed to be.