Sweety's Archaeology is a small mod, adding new archeology structures and special QoL relics found in them
General Additions
- Brushing archaeology blocks will now grant Experience points (can be customised)
- Most of the structures from the mod will not drop one item at the time like vanilla structure do. Some ressources may drop in larger quantities, especially common ones.
- Tuff Podiums are new blocks used to display your items, made from Tuff and Wool
Silex Tools : Mostly a decorative relic, like Chainmail for Armors
Fossilised Egg : Mostly a decorative relic, can be thrown to inflict Nauseau
Golden Cube : While in the Hotbar, will repair equiped armors and held tools at the cost of its durability. Won't repair shields while blocking.
Spider Amulet : Used to summon temporary minions, taking the shape of Golden Spiders
Broken Clock : Delay your death when killed, giving you extra time to save your items from lava, or to deal a last blow to a monster.
Climbing Axe : Allows you to move easier vertically, and overall enhance your movements
Expired Miner Brew : Luck potion, granting either buff, debuffs, or simply funny random events. ! Can sometime destroy surrounding blocks !
Ancient Berries : Grant the Venomous effect, making you immune to Poison and inflicting it to your targets
Weather Idols : Mostly a decorative relic, allows you to change the weather.
Abandonned Mineshafts :
Main Rewards : Climbing Axe, Expired Miner Brew, "Rascal" Music Disc (found in chunks, equivalent to 1/4th of the disc), Potion of Haste or Night Vision.
Abandonned Mineshafts generally generate close to the surface but buried.
They are randomly generated rooms, branching from the center of the structure, obstructed in gravel. This structure is way smaller than vanilla mineshafts, generally consisting of 3 to 4 corridors or rooms. This structure doesn't impact the vanilla mineshafts in any way.
Generic items found in Abandonned Mineshafts mostly consist of mining items and ores. You may also occasionnaly found items from the Mineshaft minecart's loot table.
Spruce Huts :
Main Rewards : Broken Clock, Chirp / Mall / Strad / Far Music Discs.
Spruce Huts generate in Taiga and Pine forests. They are ruines houses, generally easy to spot at night because of a leftover lantern. Items can be found quite deep under it, in what probably used to be a basement.
Generic items found in it mostly consist of ressources related to the biome, mushrooms or gold.
Prehistoric Remains :
Main Rewards : Silex Tools, Fossilised Egg, Ancient Berries, Nautilus Shell, Skeleton Skull, Sniffer Seeds
Prehistoric Remains can rarely be spotted in most forests. They are indicated by patchs of Coarse Dirt and Gravel on the ground. By digging a few blocks down, you'll encounter a buried Fossil.
Generic items found in it mostly consist of basic ressources and tools, as well as bones and other rotten ressources.
Desert Outposts :
Main Rewards : Spider Amulet, Golden Cube, Dune Armor Trim, Horse Armors
Desert Outposts can be spotted in Deserts, mostly covered in sand. The highest tower will generally be visible from the surface, allowing to spot them.
Generic items found in it mostly consist of basic ressources and golden items, as well as pottery sherds, emeralds, and more rarely diamond.
Ritual Sites :
Main Rewards : Weather Idols, Ancient Berries, Fossilised Egg, Goat Horn, Silex Axe/Sword, Skeleton Skull
Ritual Sites are randomly generated "Stonehenge-like" formations, found rarely in most forests. Most ressources are found on the floor, near the surface.
Generic items found in it mostly consist of basic gems (emerald, amethyst), bones and flint.
- Added Spider Amulet indication for XP requierements
- Minor tweaks
- Updated french translations
- Added russian translations(thanks to @linorich13s)
- Fixed issues with 1.21.1
- Removed 1.21.2+ support atm
- Fixed some loottables not ported correctly from 1.20
- Limited generation of ruined mineshafts (to stop them from spawning incorrectly in deep oceans)
- Reworked the Climbing Axe (demo here : https://youtu.be/mGLKCokeN8I?si=EoJ5Qiytp8y7bt6I)
- Alakarkinos (Ars Nouveau) can now dig out from Sweety's Archaeology loottables
- Renamed "Poisonous" to "Venomous"
- Optimised the Golden Cube implementation
- Added the "sweety_archaeology:non_golden_cube_repairable" item tag, making tagged items unaffected by the cube repair. The Golden Cube is tagged as sure by default
- Fixed Climbing Axe, Spider Amulet and Golden Cube not being enchantable (1.21 only)
Yes. I usually use Kaupenjoe's and TurtyWurty's tutorials for rendering (and experiment a bit when they are outdated), but for this case, i wanted to customise a lot rendering depending on a large variety of cases (items, blocks, plants, heads, lanterns, etc), so using the plugin was quite convenient
Idea:Temple of the Illuminati
Walking in the Mountains you may notice a Building in the Shape of the Illuminati, Entering the Eye you will get inside and you will be asked to complete a series of puzzles, if you get to the treasure you must pull three levers and the treasure will open in the center
Reward: Illuminati Statuette (Regular or Diamond) Gold, Emeralds, Diamonds, Chainmal Armor (Full Set) Gold Block,Bones, Enchanted Book, Redstone and Armor Trim
Looks high quality, what did you use to make the tuff podiums render items? World renderer plugin?