Grakel's Armors & items +

Published by grakelcdx on
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This is a simple mod, adds a Upgrade version of Armors and Items of the vanilla minecraft.

Check my official curseforge page: [Grakel's] Armors & items + - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge

Lates Version (V1.5.8-Amethyst Update) (11/2/2025)

  • [New] "Tier"Upgrade diamond (check down for more info)
  • [New] Completed Max upgrade diamond tool set and more
  • [New] Feature to all armos now grant extra health
  • [New] Amethyst related blocks and items (Ame resonace, Ame resonance core, resonance star fragment, resonance star)
  • [New] Undead mobs Amethyst Skeleton and Ame Wither Skeleton + skulls
  • [New] Boss Amethyst Pressence
  • [New] Dungeons (super and hyper dungeon cube, amethyst dungeon and provisional boss)
  • [New] Effect Amethyst Protection (Grants protection)
  • [Rework] All armors abilitys are for default "C"
  • [Rework] How to obtain the Max up diamond and make it more stonger
  • [Revamp] Upgrade iron shield
  • [Rework] To all Foods items (more usefull and overpower)
  • [Rework] Balance changes
  • [FIXED] (kinda) Skins with extra layers covered the 3D armors
  • [FIXED] Missing recepies (THEY ALL WORKING)

I Suggest using me mod with scaling Health For a Better Experience:


since armors and overpower items doesn't have any usesage after netherite this mod is the best option for a better experience

                          Max upgrade diamond 

Obtainability: Very Hard-Extreme

Helmet +9

Chestplate +14

Leggings +12

Boots +9

Tools (sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, shield)


+ 3,540 (durability)

Per piece +5 hearths

Full set +10 hearths

+ Tool ability

+ armor ability

+helmet ability

+shield ability


                                  Upgrade diamond

Obtainability: Medium-Hard

Helmet +6

Chestplate +10

Leggings +8

Boots +6

Tools (sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, shield)


+ 3,210 (durability)

Per piece +5 hearths

Full set +8 hearths

+ armor ability

+helmet ability

+shield ability

                                  Max Upgrade Iron

Obtainability: Easy-Medium

Helmet +4

Chestplate +9

Leggings +7

Boots +4

Tools (sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, shield)


+ 1,205 (durability)

Per piece +3 hearths

Full set +5 hearths

+ Tool ability

+ armor ability

+shield ability

                                           Upgrade Iron

Obtainability: Easy

Helmet +3

Chestplate +7

Leggings +6

Boots +2

Tools (sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, shield)


+ 525 (durability)

Per piece +2 hearths

Full set +3 hearths

+ armor ability

(Undead) Amethyst Skeleton - Difficulty: Medium


(Undead)(Boss) Amethyst Presence - Difficulty: Very Hard-Extreme


(Undead) Amethyst Wither Skeleton - Difficulty: Medium-Hard


¿How to Spawn the Amethyst Presence?

heres and example


Amethyst Provisional Boss - Difficulty Easy-Extreme

Reward: Rare Loot  - Legend Loot - Legendary Amethyst Loot


As the name sujest this is only temporal

Hyper Dungeon Cube - Difficulty Hard-Very Hard

Reward: Normal Loot - Rare Loot  - Legend Loot


Super Dungeon Cube - Difficulty Medium-Hard

Reward: Normal Loot - Rare Loot 


Dungeon Cube - Difficulty Easy-Medium

Reward: Normal Loot



¿What is the idea of the mod?

  • Create and Upgrade Versions of armors, items, mobs and bosses for complicated dungeons and bosses, Enhancing Hardcore Mods experience without the necessity of making different types of armors, using ALL vanilla resources. THX For reading all me mod content, you are awesome


For version 1.6.0 and greater versions i am going to do more content updates to this mod like:

  • Custom Enchantments
  • Customs arrows and Bows
  • And More


For Version 1.6.0 and above versions, since I'm still in high school and my vacations are running out, the updates are going to be less frequent. I don't plan to leave this project until the mid of 2025, But I plan to start another project for 2025, so updates after 1.6.0 will be less common.


feedback well be good received

Comment: This is my first mod ever and i am making this mod with MCcreator special thanks to the MCcreator work team :D

(I am learning java to do better quality updates for this Mod)




Minecraft mod files
[Grakels]armors_and_items_plus-V1.5.8.jar Uploaded on: 02/11/2025 - 23:28   File size: 855.5 KB

epic 3d modeling, if the textures were just a tad better, this mod would be amazing!