The Mod Pickaxes+ Mod Version is 1.0.0 currently running on minecraft 1.8.x
It adds 6 new pickaxes Planning to do more and adds 1 Multi Tool
This Mod has 10 Mods Currently
Usual Digging Obsidian times for each Pickaxe
Bedrock Pickaxe - 2.55s
Emerald Pickaxe - 7.68s
Diamond MultiTool - 12.80s
Ice Pickaxe - 62. s
BonePickaxe - 62. s
Redstone Pickaxe - 125. seconds
The Pickaxes Above 13s mining time have really high enchantability
The Bedrock Pickaxe Cannot Be enchanted
The pickaxes are crafted as usual with the correct items as thier name says
Except the nether and the diamond MultiTool which the nether Pickaxe is crafted with 3 units of nether brick (BRICK NOT BLOCK)
the diamond MultiTool mines other items than obsidian better including dirt,grass and others too and deals 13 hearts of damage and is crafted with 1 diamond block nether star and another diamond block beside each other these are the 3 units.