Red, Blue, Green, Cyan, Spring Green, etc ... These Colors and More Added ace wool this Mod, besides extra blocks to help decorate the house!
This Mod Adds 16 New Wool of All 8 Types of Clarity, Adding Up To 128 New Blocks!
It Also Adds Decoration Blocks Like: Maia Block, Lucky Block, Error Block, Transparent Block, Rainbow Wool (Without Animation) and Rainbow Wool (With Animation).
Furthermore, It Adds 16 Colour Essencies and a New Sword!
(Tanks NickGamerGR for Translate! ^^)
Crafts Wools:
Craft Essences:
Craft Others: http://imgur.com/a/5W9hz
Craft Sword:
Here's your first feedback!
The animated texture for the rainbow wool is not working, although the All.png and the All.png.mcmeta are ok. Also, from the description of the mod I understand that you don't know English very well, as it has a lot of errors. This is more correct:
This Mod Adds 16 New Wool of All 8 Types of Clarity, Adding Up To 128 New Blocks!
It Also Adds Decoration Blocks Like: Maia Block, Lucky Block, Error Block, Transparent Block, Rainbow Wool (Without Animation) and Rainbow Wool (With Animation).
Furthermore, It Adds 16 Colour Essencies, New Creative Menu Tabs and a New Sword!
Cool mod!