Some Of the Things that are in the mod ;)
Whats Up is Amazing Potato Back Here With My newest mod the Shrektasticly Amazing Mod And Some of the things in this mod are inspired from other mod and the movie
so i dont want to spoil the mod for you so if you want to play ore see it download the mod and try it out :)
Thats About all for this mod hoped you enjoy and check out my channel :)
a link to my Channel www.youtube.com/channel/UCLQGC705TCya8xpl45je2_A
if the link dosent work copy and paste it
WARNING Not all recipes work so dont try to craft them sorry this will be fixed :(
and the textures are messed up so sorry it should be fixed
Be Aware Version 2.0.0 is out Yes Its Here Finally :] :]
P.S. the shaders i was using was Sildur's Shaders so if you want to download that you know what to get :)
Images For Spoilers!
Warning Not Updated!
i know
blocks https://docs.google.com/document/d/1saduwjnzxmrgoTIiWQrxKZcfZNR6LSET9lP…
items https://docs.google.com/document/d/148c9a-oMBdDcmKRhl2wRTlQWq9AM9qLdCM5…
armor https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l-XrCt1t1fmRkCfz_biY6coCwwSzGouM8hu…
mobs https://docs.google.com/document/d/199np92hRqK1uvOuDyNGI_LqWcGJEbEXQbLI…
Update Log
Version 1.0.0
added shrek
added the swamp biome
added base blocks
added the items
added Anti Ogre Soldier
thats it :)
version 1.5.0
Bug Fixes ;)
version 1.9.0
added Pulse Rifle
added Pulse Ammo
bug Fixes ;)
Version 2.0.0
added friendly soldier
added Prince Charming
added Fariy Godmother
added M4A1
added M4 ammo
added Charming Set
added Plasma Sword
added Doritos
Added MTN Dew
added Far Far Away Grass
added Far Far Away Stone
added Far Far Away Ore
added Far Far Away Biome
Some Bug Fixes
and new ones introduced
blocks :)
blocks :)
swampy grass
base wall
base wall 2
base glass
Ogre Ore :)
Far Far Away Grass Far Far Away Stone Far Far Away Ore
images are above
Items :)
Items :)
iron blades
pulse rifle
pulse ammo
shrektastic cannon
cannon balls
Plasma Sword Anti Ogre Rifle M4A1 Carbine and the charming sword charming bow
Ogre Gem currently useless :(
images are above
ogre set
much better than diamond
Charming Set even better than ogre set
images are above
Mobs ;)
Mobs ;)
Very powerfull and has a lot of HP
|bug Dosent Attack|
Anti Ogre soldier
somewhat powerfull and attacks Shrek
{Bug Dosent Fight}
Fairy Godmother
loads of hp
{Bug Dosent Fight}
Prince Charming
even more powerful
{Bug Dosent Fight}
or die
friendly soldier
images are above
MTN Dew Doritos
also if you have seen my videos and enjoy them and want dan in your world heres how to get him for 1.7.10 the AVP mod the link for this is here http://aliensvspredator.org/page/download/
btw that mod id amazing but it is for 1.7.10 so it dosent work with this mod sorry but it is not my mod so im not updateing it.
and 1.8 and newer i will add that. also All Credits for textures models AI, are the AVP mod Nevermine and Mcreator for being able to make it :)
And Finally i hope this mod is good and please check out my channel and the mod and if you have problems with the mod or want something added please tell me in the comments section
plus When Minecraft 1.11 forge mods and MCreator update this mod will be coming to 1.11 the hype is on :) :) :)
Thank You :}
nice mod, just may i sugest fixing the mob texture on the thumbnail?