Armor and Dimension+

Published by Wizurth on
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This mod adds 5 New ores and 2 dimension (Ores: Xion<Wurite<Uranium<Filisiane<Onyx)

(Dimension: Filisia and Onyxia)


Update all 5 downloads








Hi, this is a message to everyone who downloads my mod, thank you to put your opinion or improvements to the mod (If you have the time biens ^^)

Minecraft mod files
Armors and Dimensions+ 1.5.jar.jar Uploaded on: 04/15/2018 - 07:19   File size: 457.68 KB


English / Anglais :


New Update 1.5:

- Added a new dimension and a new associated ore.

(Dimension: Onyxia)

(Ore: Onyx)

- Added a Super Tools.

- Addition of a key of Onyxia obtainable on the boss of Filisia (serves to open the portal to go in the Onyxia).

Modifying the textures of sowrd in Xion, Wurite to move to texture in 32x32pixels (More beautiful)


Dimension Onyxia:

- To access it you need a key of Onyxia and make a portal like that of the block nether of Onyx (Obtainable in the Onyxia and crafting it with the other ores).

The key of Onyxia is obtainable by killing the boss of Filisia and to make appear this boss it is necessary a Filirei Spawner that can be crafted.



   French / Francais :


Nouvelle Mise à jour 1.5 : 

- Ajout d'une nouvelle dimension ainsi qu'un nouveau minerai associé.

(Dimension : Onyxia)

(Minerai : Onyx).

- Ajout d'un Super Outils.

- Ajout d'une clé d'Onyxia obtenable sur le boss de Filisia (sert à ouvrir le portail pour aller dans l'Onyxia).

- Modification des textures des Epees en Xion, Wurite pour passer à des texture en 32x32pixels (Plus belle)


Dimension Onyxia : 

- Pour y acceder il vous faut une clé d'Onyxia et faire un portail comme celui du nether en bloc d'Onyx (Obtenable dans le l'Onyxia et en le craftant avec les autres minerais).

La clé d'Onyxia est obtenable en tuant le boss de Filisia et pour faire apparaitre ce boss il faut un Filirei Spawner qui peut se crafter.


The update will take longer than expected so it will be released on Sunday. Thank you for your understanding

Arrived from an update on the Felicia dimension soon but it will take at least 15 downloads for me to send this update

I like the Idea of basing the Updates according to download, Very good Idea

Update in preparation, finalization in about 3 days

Translated by Google translation (I'm french sorry)