Nuclear's Mod

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Welcome to my first released mod!  I hope you enjoy!

All current items in the game: 

All Items

All item names: 

Nucleium Ore, Nucleium Block, Nucleium Ingot, Nucleium Pickaxe, Nucleium Axe, Nucleium Sword, Nucleium Shovel, Nucleium Hoe, Nucleium Helmet, Nucleium Chestplate, Nucleium Leggings, Nucleium Boots,  Radiatite Ore, Radiatite Block, Radiatite Ingot, Radiatite Pickaxe, Radiatite Axe, Radiatite Sword, Radiatite Shovel, Radiatite Hoe, Radiatite Helmet, Radiatite Chestplate, Radiatite Leggings, Radiatite Boots, Kodolan Pickaxe, Kodolan Axe, Kodolan Sword, Kodolan Shovel, Kodolan Hoe, Spawn Demented Pig, Spawn Demented Cow, Spawn Demented Sheep, Spawn Demented Chicken, Spawn Dementor, Demented Essence, Demented Flesh, Demented Gem, Kodolan Rune, Demented Totem, Demented Totem (Activated), Demented Pumpkin, Bloody Trophy, Infusion Table, Radiatite Infused Obsidian, Demented Block, Jewelgrass, Jewelgrass seeds, Antidote, Obsidian Stick, Demented Slayer I, Demented Slayer II, Demented Slayer III

Kodolan Dimension:


All Mobs: 

All Mobs

Radiatite Tools and Armor:

Radiatite Tools and Armor

Nucleium Tools and Armor: 

Nucleium Tools and Armor:

Kodolan Tools:

Kodolan Tools

Infusion Table: 

Infusion Table

Minecraft mod files
nuclearmod.jar Uploaded on: 12/13/2020 - 23:30   File size: 2.76 MB

Discontinued due to file loss