Upvotes: 3
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Supported Minecraft versions
This mod add only one new dimension with 6 old-new ores, 14 biomes (for now no mobs)
Ice Cream Lands
Biome, with much new blocks
Candy Corn
Lands filled with gigant and small Candy Corns
Layered Cakes
Hills with big berries
Caramel Hills
Tall hills which can be in weight 245!
Candy Forest
Lands with gigant lolipops and small lolipops
Jelly Jungles
The big jungles, reaching the end of the jungle is just a challenge
Minecraft mod files
Uploaded on: 02/19/2020 - 08:47 File size: 892.14 KB
[1.1] Added:
- Sugarenia Dirt
- Sugarenia Grass Block
- Blue Sugarenia Blue Grass Block
- Caramel Cobblestone
- Caramel Stone
- Pink Cotton Candy
- Blue Cotton Candy
- Plastic
- Red Jelly Block
- Blue Jelly Block
- Green Jelly Block
- Jelly Log
- Jelly Planks
- Chocolate Block
- Black Chocolate Block
- White Chocolate Block
- Chocolate Bricks
- Black Chocolate Bricks
- White Chocolate Bricks
- Chocolate Tiles
- Black Chocolate Tiles
- White Chocolate Tiles
- Down Candy Corn
- Middle Candy Corn
- Top Candy Corn
- Dense Red Jelly Block
- Dense Blue Jelly Block
- Dense Green Jelly Block
- White Lolipop
- Pink Lolipop
- Candy Cane
- Candy Cane Planks
- Ice Cream Waffle
- Blue Ice Cream
- Chocolate Ice Cream
- Strawberry Ice Cream
- Blueberry Ice Cream
- Blackberry Ice Cream
- Vanilla Cake
- Berry Cake
- Bottom Cake
- Chocolate Cake
- Strawberry Cake
- Berry Cake Stick
- Bubblegum Cobblestone
- Bubblegum Stone
- Pink Candy Ore
- Pink Candy Block
- Marshmallow Ore
- Marshmallow Block
- Cookie Ore
- Cookie Block
- Jam Ore
- Jam Block
- Blueberry Ore
- Blueberry Block
- Marmalade Ore
- Marmalade Block
- Pink Candy
- Pink Candy Torch
- Marshmallow Ingot
- Marshmallow Nugget
- Marshmallow Sword
- Marshmallow Pickaxe
- Marshmallow Axe
- Marshmallow Shovel
- Marshmallow Hoe
- Marshmallow Armor
- Cookie Ingot
- Cookie Nugget
- Cookie Sword
- Cookie Pickaxe
- Cookie Axe
- Cookie Shovel
- Cookie Hoe
- Cookie Armor
- Jam
- Jam Torch
- Blueberry
- Marmalade
- Marmalade Sword
- Marmalade Pickaxe
- Marmalade Axe
- Marmalade Shovel
- Marmalade Hoe
- Marmalade Armor
- Candy Corn
- Pink Cotton Grass
- Blue Cotton Grass
- Sugar Water
how do i make the portal?