derwolf019's Magic Mod

Published by derwolf019 on
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Alpha build 2.0.1 released.

Now i'm making a better version of this:



Ported to 1.12.2!


Hello there! this is my very first mod, I made it because I Feel like minecraft needs another type of magic aside potions and enchantments.

This mod its based on the use of tomes from Fire Emblem series,

There are 32 total items in the mod, 22 tomes, 8 charms and 6 staves.

The items itself are self-explanatory.

A full list of planned tomes and Staves its here:

And here goes some description of the magic types:

Anima magic or nature magic is a magic category: one of three primary types of offensive magic. This magical discipline is centered around communion with and mastery of the forces of nature itself, is chiefly associated with Mages and Sages, and its structure and approach to spell-casting is described as being elegant and refined with a sense of freedom to it. There are four types of anima magic: Fire, Ice, Wind and Electric, each with its own strenghts and flaws.



Light magic is a magic category: one of three primary types of offensive magic.The practice of light magic is described as being derived from religion and the divine, and as a result in most cases the majority of wielders of light magic are of the clergy.Light magic in general have the most wide range of the other two diciplines, and is the most acurate.

The scroll magic is an extension of light magic, this is an alternative for al those diviners.Scrolls summon ancient spirits to attack enemies, with the animals of the first ten earth branches of the Chinese Zodiac forming the main hierarchy. Scrolls take the form of long, thin pieces of wood with magic symbols inscribed onto them, and are bundled in groups of four or eight.



Dark Magic, also known as "elder magic" is a magic category: one of three primary types of offensive magic.Dark magic is a manifestation of knowledge of overall. Dark magic in general possesses the highest might of the magic types, offset by being the least accurate. Additionally, dark tomes are frequently distinguished from other magic types by possessing additional, unusual effects alongside just dealing damage.



Staff (Plural: Staves) magic its the only that its only for support.Staves are unique in that they have no capacity to actively deal damage and cannot be used to attack, nor in most cases defend an attack. Instead, they deal entirely in support magic to aid the caster or non-violently cripple their enemies.

There are two types of staves: Staff and Festal

Staves are used to grant (potion) effects to the caster, or control few aspects of the nature, it'll break.

Festales are used to reverse some effects present in the nature, much like desertification, or it can even control the time, it wont break.

Also charm magic is an extension of staff magic, providing many effects to the caster.


A spoiler about whats in the next update:

advanced versions of scrolls


Banners with alliances.


Development Releases and Snapshots are located here:



Sometimes I may select someone to add an Regalia Tome/Staff, you can participate by posting a comment.


You have suggestions or questions? contact me via discord:



Tome is an archaic english term, that literaly means "book"

In the epic poem Nibelungenlied, Brynhildr, or Brünnhilde, is a valkyrie and the queen of Iceland.

Minecraft mod files
MagicMod 0.1.3.jar Uploaded on: 07/31/2018 - 21:47   File size: 769.33 KB
Magic mod 2.0.1 Ex.jar Uploaded on: 10/23/2018 - 15:38   File size: 199.91 KB


Port to 1.12.2!

some tomes are included for now, in the future there will be more.



Complete retexture of tomes.

Added decorative tomes based on basic tomes.



Added charms that add effects to the caster.




Added advanced versions of staves.




Added advanced versions of basic tomes: (All advanced anima tomes have the ''El'' prefix), like shine and waste

Added the first non-combat tome: Wormhole

raol's tome can now be accesed by him in survival, using /regaliaraol

Added magic runes (decorative)

Added a placeable scroll



Added three regalia tomes, one for zichfried (brynhildr), raol (raol's truth) and for babykangar00 (cymbeline)

these three dont have username lock, and cant be accesed in survival

Added the base scroll (paper)

Added an stone (rock)



Added two regalia tomes, one for delofon (sol) and another for myself (Mjolnir)

to get them you need to type /regalia(Username) (Example: /regaliaderwolf_)

Added username lock, so no one can use regalia unless him/her has one in the mod



Initial release.

I noticed in the first image there are things on the ground. I assume they are attacks/heals cast by items. If not could you tell me what they are? And how did you make them (not the models, just how they work)? I am trying to make a magic mod and want to make ground attacks but they never worked.

Now i'm making a better version of this:

How did you make the model's for the block's not have a shadow on the ground?

Seems awesome and it fits the fantasy medieval theme of minecraft with all of the magic, though it is
Theme: 10/10
Expansion: 5/20
Concept: 8/10
Overall: 23/40 (Rated E for Epic)

For all those persons that may think that i'm dead, i'm not, its just that i'm very busy to mod MC everyday...
anyways, here its the link for the very experimental 1.12.2;