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Isaac Pills is a mod that adds pills from the game The Binding of Isaac. They can appear in some dungeons, as well as bags of pills. There are 13 different pills and 25 unique effects from them.
How it works:
When generating the world, random effects for 13 pills are generated (they can be repeated). They can be found in dungeons as well as bags of pills. The bag can be opened and get 1-3 random pills, and also with a small chance to get a golden pill, if you use it, the effects of pills in the world will be generated again.
There are 25 unique effects in total:
- Speed Up/Down (Increases/Decreases 0,01 speed attribute)
- Attack Speed Up/Down (Increases/Decreases 0,1 attack speed attribute)
- Health Up/Down (Increases/Decreases 2 health attribute)
- Luck Up/Down (Increases/Decreases 1 luck attribute)
- Amnesia (Give effect Blindness)
- Bad Gas (Give effect Poison)
- Balls Of Steel (Give effect Absorption)
- Percs (Give effect Resistance)
- Power Of Sea (Give effect Conduit Power)
- Power Pill (Give effect Strength)
- I Am Glowing! (Give effect Glowing)
- I Can See Forever (Give effect Night Vision)
- Hero Or Villian? (Give effect Bad Omen/Hero of the Village)
- Experimental Pill (Give effects Speed and Haste/Slowness and Mining Fatigue)
- Something’s wrong… (Give effect Nausea)
- Bad Trip (Damage Player for 2-4 health)
- Explosive Diarrhea (Spawns TNT on Player cordinates)
- Full Health (Heal Player to max health)
- I Found Pills (Give random pill)
- Look Experience (Give random exp orb)
- Paralysis (Stun Player for 2 sec)
Minecraft mod files
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