The Saturn Mod Discontinued ('Til I have ideas)

Published by Whatupboi on
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The Saturn Mod is a mod that adds in things to do with Saturn.

-Saturn creative tab (well duh)

-Saturn block (for portal to Saturn)

-Pixel art of Saturn(used in 3x3 crafting grid to make Saturn block) only stacks up to 5

-Biomes in Saturn dimension (Saturn plains and Saturn roofed forest)

-Saturn rock and cobble

-Saturn dirt and grass

-Saturn fruit grows on Saturn oak trees, when broken they give you Saturn berries

-Saturn oak and Saturn dark oak

-Saturn iron and Saturn iron armor (tools and weapons coming soon ;D)

-All overworld ores in the Saturn dimension except iron is Saturn iron (big difference)

+So much more that you might as well explore in creative first before playing survival (and also get the JEI mod to view all the recipes)

Minecraft mod files
TheSaturnMod 1.4 beta Titan Addition 1 1.12.2.jar Uploaded on: 12/04/2019 - 10:18   File size: 805.27 KB

Alpha 0.1.0

So much I can't remember

Alpha 0.1.1 Bug fix 1

Removed "Saturn dark oak forest spawning in overworld (you will still have them if you have already loaded up a world using 0.1.0)

Alpha 0.1.2

Removed vines from spawning on custom trees as it looks ugly (you will still have them if you have already loaded up a world using 0.1.0 or 0.1.1)

Alpha 0.2.0 Combat Update

Added Saturn Iron tools (no hoe, you don't need one)

Increased toughness of Saturn Iron armor

Saturn gold now smeltable

Saturn Spruce forest now added

Beta 1.0.0 Bug fix 2

Made it so that Saturn spruce forest actually spawns in the Saturn dimension

Beta 1.1

Mod page logo now in game logo

Beta 1.2 The Saturnian System Update 1

Titan added (comes with so many new things, so many I can't be bothered to explain. Just explore in creative first)

Beta 1.3 The Vegetation Update 1

Saturn daisy

Saplings for all trees except recent Titan oak (ALL TREE SAPLINGS WIP!! THEY DO NOT WORK YET!! AND CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED IN CREATIVE!!)

Some texture tweaks ;D

Beta 1.4 Titan Addition 1

Just a few things ;)

hello there. it's been a while...

i am, for certain, no longer working on this project. the workspace for this mod was lost a long time ago, presumably when i moved my stuff over to a new computer and wiped my old one. and i am not gonna restart the development of this mod because i am too busy with school and my worldbuilding projects, it just wont progress quickly and will never be complete. with all that being said, i am happy for anyone to reverse engineer this mod and actually complete it, like i never did.

and yes, i am the real author of this mod. i lost access to my old account (whatupboi) a long time ago. why do you think it still has a dabbing cat profile picture? i would have at least updated it to stay in tune with the current memes if i had access to it

hello everyone. It has been a very very long time since I last updated this, I will give a list of reasons why:
1. I have gotten into about 3 worldbuilding projects and am very busy
2. I'm not sure what to add into beta 1.5, please give me ideas ;-;
3. school has gotten in the way of a lot -_-
I wish everyone a blessed day during these COVID times :)

It can be cool, with craft and items... see my mod for understand !
Very good, for a starter ! Continue guy !

Hi guys!! :D I got back from New Zealand a few days ago. I just need your ideas of what to add in to beta 1.5, I've got some things ready, I just need more. Any ideas?

Listen, I haven't been able to upload a new update because I'm in New Zealand. I can do it, I just don't have the time.

You guys might have to wait a while because I need to think of what to add into the next update Beta 1.4

Ok, probably late (Like three years late) but you could try adding Saturn's moons. The ones I know are Dione and Titan (Titan might be fun, it's got its own atmosphere and stuff) or expand the mod to Jupiter and add the Galileo moons (Ganymede, Io, Europa, Callisto) or just expand it to the entire solar system lol.

im sorry man but i just cant do that. the workspace for this mod was lost a long time ago, presumably when i moved my stuff over to a new computer and wiped my old one. and i am not gonna restart the development of this mod because i am too busy with school and my worldbuilding project, it just wont progress quickly and will never be complete. im sorry but you really are too late. with all that being said, i am happy for anyone to reverse engineer this mod and actually complete it, which i never did.

and yes, i am the real author of this mod. i lost access to my old account (whatupboi) a long time ago. why do you think it still has a dabbing cat profile picture? i would have at least updated it to stay in tune with the current memes if i had access to it

NEW MOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LINK:

Guys, I can't upload until if fix this. My MC Launcher won't open. So I can"t really upload any new mods or updates. So bye for now.