The Ancient Forest

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Also 1.1 is out. Also as with all of my mods you can use it in any modpack.

Upcoming Features: saplings, and a new boss and more mobs and a use for hardened ancientstone (originally called darkstone) and ents (living trees). More biomes are also coming.

Tips: Before finding the ghost king you need the following to have a good chance of winning; a least some diamond armor or iron armor(preferably diamond), lots of food, torches, some weapons, and most likely a few golden apples. And if possible some potions; slow falling, strength or regeneration also if possible a boomerang. If you don't have a boomerang a bow will work but boomerangs are way better.

Mobs: - Ghosts; have the same health as a zombie and fly around. - Ghost King, a boss with around the health of a wither and shoots boomerangs, a new ranged item, at his targets also has pretty good aim with his boomerang. The ghost king is very powerful I tried to speedrun the mod and without full diamond and the ghost king does like 3 hearts even with full steel armor. 

Crafting and ores:

Tba in 1.16

Minecraft mod files
AncientForest 1.1.jar - V 1.1: revamped the ghost mansion, added mangrove wood and more Uploaded on: 05/10/2021 - 16:15   File size: 444.87 KB

alpha 0.1:

-added corrupted/ancient wood types.

-added custom biomes.


-added steel

-added Ghost King boss.

-added boomerangs

-added more crafting recipes

-added wither totems

-added darkstone.

-fixed trees not generating properly.

1.0 bug fix patch 1:

-fixed issue where it is impossible to get the portal item in survival.

1.1 pre 1:

- renamed darkstone to hardened ancientstone since Raolcraft has a block called darkstone :)

- hopefully fixed mob spawning in infernal and ancient swamp biomes.

1.1 pre 2:

- added more crafting recipes and added fence gates. The crafting recipes are for corrupted wood so it can now actually craft crafting tables and more.

- added ancient coal ore 

- steel can now be used to craft shields

- added liquid mud 

- added doors for the wood types

- Known Bugs:

- for some reason liquid mud is not infinite since a 2 by 2 area won't work to duplicate it for some reason.

1.16 version released. its v 1.1. revamping ghost mansions, added mangrove wood blocks and more

in the new update thats coming for 1.16 the mod id might have changed. Also should i add 1.12 support or not?

im gonna release 1.1 but it will take a few days with school and everything else

also I will be updating soon. I am just raiding castles in modded minecraft using about 50 mods.

Once I finish raiding castles I will try to finish 1.1 :)
I can not promise since I don't know how long it will take for certain structures (Yes I will be adding more structures for the first time since 1.0)
The structures will include new blocks.

An update is coming soon. It will add mud buckets for mlg simular to water. Also more features like adding a new ore I forgot about: ancient coal ore. Also steel gear is basically iron that looks different in the update I am currently working on