Useful Bedrock

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This mod adds new items, blocks, armor, a new dimension, mobs, and a lot of crafts. It is advisable to use the Just Enough Items mod to view all the crafts.

Briefly how to develop in the mod:

To make something out of my mod, first, you need to craft an improved diamond pickaxe. This tool is the beginning of the entire mod

After that, you need to find a fragile bedrock (It will spawn at 2-5 height in the overworld)

And break it with an improved diamond pickaxe. Drops 5-9 particles of bedrock.

From 9 particles of bedrock you need to craft 2 bedrock chunks.

And it can be used to craft compressed bedrock.

Compressed bedrock is used for crafting simulated bedrock. From it, you need to build a portal to enter the bedrock world (you can also find a dungeon of bedrock golems in it)

When you enter the bedrock world you will need to find a mob bedrock avenger. From it with a small chance drops bedrock heart.

You will need it to craft the bedrock core.

As well as bedrock ingot.

Yes, it is very hard...

But you can craft cool tools and armor!

  • Bedrock sword

  • Bedrock pickaxe

  • Bedrock axe

  • Bedrock shovel

  • Bedrock hoe

  • Bedrock helmet (Gives regeneration II)

  • Bedrock chestplate (Gives resistance II)

  • Bedrock leggings (Gives strength II)

  • Bedrock boots (Gives fire resistance)

Only there is a small minus if you wear at least one of this armor is given a slowness of 1, but this is not critical.

I'm thinking of adding something else in the future. You can write a comment with criticism and ideas for my mod.

Something may be written illiterate since I translated it with the help of a translator. I apologize in advance

Minecraft mod files
Useful Bedrock-1.15.2-pre release 3.jar Uploaded on: 08/21/2020 - 08:51   File size: 911.83 KB
Useful Bedrock-1.14.4-pre release 3.jar Uploaded on: 08/21/2020 - 08:51   File size: 910.88 KB
Useful Bedrock-1.15.2-pre release 2.jar Uploaded on: 07/28/2020 - 16:07   File size: 904.12 KB
Useful Bedrock-1.14.4-pre release 2.jar Uploaded on: 07/28/2020 - 16:07   File size: 903.56 KB

Changes in the [Pre release 3]:




○Bedrock nugget

-You can find it 1-3 in chests in the dungeon with bedrock golems

-There is a crafting recipe


○Bedrock wood door

-Hardness 16

-There is a crafting recipe


○Bedrock wood fence gate

-Hardness 15

-There is a crafting recipe


○Description for bedrock hoe

○Description for bedrock helmet

○Description for bedrock chestplate

○Description for bedrock leggings

○Description for bedrock boots


Deleted item:

○The core of the nether star



○Fixed a bug that caused almost all opaque blocks to pass light



○Now bedrock golem and bedrock avenger walk much faster (When they don't see the player)

Changes related to the dungeon of bedrock golems:


-Slightly rebuilt

-Now spawns only in the bedrock forest

-Now you will find it a little less often


Changes related to the following blocks and items:


○Particle of bedrock

-Changed the texture

-Slightly changed the description


○Bedrock chunk

-Changed the texture


○Diamond press

-Now has durability, so it can be used in crafting 4 times instead of 1 as before


○Bedrock press

-The crafting recipe has become more difficult


○The basis of the unbreakable core

-Have been renamed to the "basis of unbreakable core"


○Bedrock core

-The crafting recipe has become easier


○Improved diamond

-The crafting recipe has become easier


○Bedrock apple

-Instead of speed, it now gives slowness for 30 seconds, but resistance is 4 levels instead of 3

-Changed the crafting recipe


○Simulated bedrock

-Changed the description


○Bedrock planks

-Have been renamed to "bedrock wood planks"


○Bedrock log stairs

-Have been renamed to "bedrock wood stairs"


○Bedrock log slab

-Have been renamed to "bedrock wood slab"


○Bedrock log trapdoor

-Have been renamed to "bedrock wood trapdoor"


○Bedrock log fence

-Have been renamed to "bedrock wood fence"


Changes related to the following tools:


○Bedrock sword

-Damage reduced from 36 to 24

-Slightly changed the description

-The crafting recipe has become easier


○Bedrock pickaxe

-The bedrock pickaxe no longer mines an area of 3x3

-Efficiency reduced from 150 to 120

-Slightly changed the description

-The crafting recipe has become easier


○Bedrock axe

-Efficiency reduced from 150 to 120

-Slightly changed the description


○Bedrock shovel

-Efficiency reduced from 150 to 100

-Slightly changed the description


○Improved diamond pickaxe

-Efficiency increased from 60 to 75

-Slightly changed the description

Changes in the [Pre release 2]:



-New biome Spiked Wasteland

-Description added for bedrock bricks

  • Blocks:

-Bedrock bricks stairs


No crafting recipe


-Chiseled bedrock bricks


No crafting recipe


-Fog of Void


No crafting recipe

Spawn in the spiked wasteland biome


-Solid stone 

Hardness 50

No crafting recipe


-Bedrock log stairs

Hardness 16,5

There is a crafting recipe


-Bedrock log slab

Hardness 18

There is a crafting recipe


-Bedrock log trapdoor

Hardness 15

There is a crafting recipe


-Bedrock log fence

Hardness 15

There is a crafting recipe


Big changes:

-The average amount of ore groups per chunk has been increased from 5 to 7 for fragile bedrock

-In bedrock world, instead of simulated bedrock is now solid stone

-Bedrock flower is now replaceable

  • Changes related to the piston:

-Bedrock bricks are no longer pushed by a piston

-Bedrock planks are no longer pushed by a piston

-Obsidian reinforced with iron is now pushed by a piston

  • Changed the hardness of the blocks:

-Bedrock dirt is reduced from 30 to 15

-Bedrock grass is reduced from 30 to 15

-Bedrock leaves is reduced from 25 to 5

-Bedrock log is reduced from 50 to 22,5

-Bedrock planks is reduced from 30 to 18

-Bedrock flower is reduced from 8 to 3

Little changes:

  • Changed textures:

-Bedrock log

-Bedrock planks

-Bedrock leaves

-Bedrock grass on top and sides

-Bedrock dirt

-Bedrock world portal


Changes in the [Pre release]:


Now the mod is available for version 1.15.2!


Big changes:

-The efficiency of the bedrock pickaxe is reduced from 250 to 150

-The bedrock pickaxe mines an area of 3x3 instead of 1x1 (At the moment there is a bug related to the fact that the pickaxe can break unbreakable blocks such as bedrock, barrier, and others)

-The basis of the unbreakable core is now crafting in stone cutting

-Now you can repair an improved diamond pickaxe using improved diamonds

-Crafting 2 bedrock apples instead of 1

-Increased spawn weight for the bedrock avenger from 20 to 26

-Resistance from bedrock apple increased from 1:40 to 3:00

-Fire resistance from bedrock apple increased from 2:00 to 3:00



Little changes:

  • Changed textures:

-Obsidian plate

-Obsidian plate reinforced with iron

-Obsidian plate reinforced with gold

-Obsidian plate reinforced with diamond

-Obsidian plate reinforced with emerald

-Obsidian reinforced with iron

-Bedrock avenger

-Bedrock golem

-Bedrock bricks

-Bedrock flower

  • Added titles color:

-Improved diamond pickaxe

-Obsidian plate

-Obsidian plate reinforced with gold

-Obsidian plate reinforced with diamond

-Obsidian plate reinforced with emerald

  • Changed the titles:

-Obsidian plate reinforced with diamond

-Obsidian plate reinforced with emerald

  • Changed descriptions:

-A particle of bedrock (1 word)

-Simulated bedrock

  • Changed the sounds of the mobs:

-Bedrock golem

Changes in the [Beta version]:


Big changes:

-The durability of the improved diamond pickaxe is reduced from 10 000 to 4 500

-The efficiency of the improved diamond pickaxe is reduced from 90 to 60

-The durability of the fragile bedrock is reduced from 400 to 300

-Crafting 2 chunks of bedrock instead of 1

-Slightly changed the craft of the core of the nether star


Little changes:

  • Changed textures:

-Bedrock grass on the top and sides (this is almost invisible)

-Improved diamond pickaxe

-Improved diamond

-Bedrock ingot

-Bedrock heart

-Compressed bedrock

-Activator of the bedrock portal

-Bedrock core

-Simulated bedrock

-Bedrock pickaxe

-Bedrock sword

-Bedrock axe

-Bedrock shovel

-Bedrock hoe

-Bedrock helmet

-Bedrock chestplate

-Bedrock leggings

-Bedrock boots

-Bedrock armor on the player

-Fragile bedrock