NO Name and the 100 dimensions: Requiem

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  1. Hello everyone and welcome to No Name and the 100 dimensions: Requiem (i choose the word requiem because..why not)



if you dont feel like reading the description then here is a summery of it (not counting the dlc)

265 blocks

35 food items

50 dimensions (so far)

15 ranged items (guns/bows)

71 biomes

49 armors

9 new paintings

5 new plants

190 mobs

12 potions

84 structures (this is most likely the wrong amount but i know there are more then 60)

55 items



now with my per-use listing items.HERE ARE ALL THE ITEMS i may or may have not listed every single one but you get the point of it...



1. alter reality block

2. broken reality block

3. alter between reality block

4. tree that is kinda alive

5. wooden brick 

6. wooden table (60 seconds)

7. air filter 

8. radio (60 seconds)

9. raditaion wood 

10. raditaion log

11. raditaion leafs

12. raditaion stair

13. raditaion slab

14. raditaion fence 

15. raditaion  fence gate

16. Raditaion_semiiod ore

17. Raditaion_semiiod block

18. purple mutant wood

19. purple mutant  log

20. purple mutant  planks

21. purple mutant leafs

22. purple mutant  slab

23. purple mutant  fence

24. purple mutant stair

25. purple mutant  fence gate

26. checker board (60 seconds)

27. is0tope ore

28. is0tope block

29. isotope ore

30. isotope block

31. blue opal ore

32. blue opal block

33. Uraniuniod ore

34. Uraniuniod block

35. sloid soup ore

36. sloid soup block

37. solid soup  ore

38.. sloid soup block

39. block of hope

40. hope ore

41. despair ore

42. bolted despair glass

43. despair glass.

44. grimm ore

45. grimm block

46. grimm soil

47. grimm wood

48. grimm log 

49. grimm planks

50. grimm stair

51. grimm slab

52. grimm fence

53. grimm fence gate

54. grimm leafs

55. ScreapEod_metal_armor Ore

56. ScreapEod_metal_armor block

57. Epoch scran door

58. epoch cobble 

59. gunner lamp

60. gunner rock

61. gunner rock door

62. jarkov ore

63. jarkov block

64. jarkov lucky block

65. jarkov fake lucky block

66. jarkov pre disbatch lucky block

67. jarkov vain

68. really thick  fog

69. really thick fog door

70. smog

71. smog trap door

72.  super duper strong fog

73. hopes peak floor

74. hopes peak wall




78. widows wine (no song yet)

79. gobble gum machine 

80.  deadshot daiquiri  (WHEN YOU RIGHT CLICK YOU PLAY THE SONG)

81: Apothican wood

82: Apothican skin

83: Apothican logor

84:  Apothican cosmic fence

85: Apothican cosmic stair

86: Ender scorpion tail trophy

87: Abomination creep cacoon block

88:  Abomination_Creeper Ore

89:  Block of Abomination_Creeper

90: Abomination_ender_skin Ore

91.  Block of Abomination_ender_skin

92. Trophorium Ore

93. Block of Trophorium

94. Abomination guardian shrine trophy

95.Abomination creep party trophy

96. shadowman head trophy

97. margwa tree trophy

98. gross block

99. The null lucky block

100.The fake null lucky block

101. pre-disbatch null lucky block

102. thick null skin

103. null skin

104. nulled ore

105. Block of Nulled

106. Wood doki doki

107. dark world block (doki doki)

108.  dark world wood (doki doki)

109. Just monica Ore

110. Block of Just monica

111. monica texture block

112. test camo snow block

113. test forest snow block

114. Neo knife block 

115. Neo knife ore

116. Skeka Ore

117. skeka block

118. Devokov Ore

119. Devokov block

120. Nought_zureanok Ore

121. Nought_zureanok block

122.  Blue nought block

123. nought glass

124.  Noughtiod Wood

125. Noughtiod planks

126. Noughtiod log

127. Noughtiod Leaves

128. Noughtiod stairs

129. Noughtiod fence

130. Noughtiod slab

131. Noughtiod fence gate

132. Dalek_nourium Ore

133. Dalek_nourium block

134.  dalek power block

135. Genesis ark

136. Witch potion stove

137.  Green eggs and sam ore

138.Cafe zombie block

139.Fake sombra lucky block

140. sombra lucky block

141.pre-disbatch sombra lucky block

142. Sombrica Ore

143. block of Sombrica 

144. Sombrica ice

145. Crepuscule_nether Ore

146. block of Crepuscule_nether

147. Crepuscule Wood

148. Crepuscule log

149. Crepuscule planks

150. Crepuscule leaves

151. Crepuscule stairs

152. Crepuscule slab

153. Crepuscule fence

154. Crepuscule fence gate

155.  Necrobiloa vile (large)

156. Necrobiloa vile (medium)

157. Necrobiloa vile (small)

158. Solid_necrobola Ore

159. block of Solid_necrobola 

160. Necro sluphu

161. Necro soulphat

162. necro ore

163.block of  necro

164. Xenomorph egg 

165. Xenomorph egg openend

166.  Face hugger body

167. Xenomorph hive pathway

168.  Xenomorph hive wall

169. Xenomorph hive cacoon

170.  Xenomorph hive carved block

171.  Xeno Ore

172. block of xeno

173.  Xenomorph hive smooth block

174. xenomorph soild blood block

175. Abomination wither Ore

176. block of Abomination wither 

177.  Abomination_blaze Ore

178. block of Abomination_blaze  

179.  Helmo fur block

180.  helmo cobble

181.  helmo ore

182. block of helmo 

183. Xenozoid luckyblock

184. fake xenozoid lucky block

185. pre-disbatch xenozoid lucky block

186.  star runner wood

187. star runner log

188. star runner planks

189. star runner stairs

190 star runner leaves

191. star runner slab 

192. star runner fence 

193. star runner fence gate

194. star runner brick

195. star runner ore

196. star runner bock

197.  Starrunner whole brick

198. vampubus log

199. vampubus wood

200. vampubus planks

201.  vampubus leaves

202. vampubus slab

203. vampubus stair

204. vampubus fence

205. vampubus fence gate

206. vampubus ore

207. vampubus block

208. Vampubus gridoa brick

209. Block of Badjuju

210. badjuju ore

211. Bad juju metal

212. Pyrocrye stone

213. Pyrocrye ice

214. cryopyo stone

225. cryopyro ice

226. pyro ore

227. pyro block

228. cryo ore

229. cryo block

230 neon dirt

231. syolik light

232.  The skarxa grass

233. skarxa wood

234. skarxa log

235. skarxa leaves

236. skarxa planks

237. skarxa slab

238. skarxa stairs

239.  skarxa fence

240. skarxa fence gate

241. The stair block

242.  Nightmarevanger Ore

243. Nightmarevanger block

244. Sky spark lucky block

245. fake Sky spark lucky block

246. pre-disbatch Sky spark lucky block

247.  Despairic Wood

248. Despairic log

249. Despairic leaves

250 Despairic planks

251. Despairic stair

252. Despairic slab

253. Despairic fence gate

254. Despairic fence

255. Hope's peak purple hallway floor

256.  hope's peak purple column block

257. hope's peak brick

258.  Hope's peak purple side wall

259. Hope's peak yellow hallway floor

260. hope's peak yellow column block

261. yellow hope's peak brick

262. Hope's peak green hallway floor

263. hope's peak green column block

264. green hope's peak brick

265. Hope's peak blue hallway floor

food items:

1. soup

2. bottle water

3. pop shocks gobble gum

4. Gobblegum perk-a-holl-ic

5. Gobblegum jumpy dumpy

6.  Gobblegum needa speeda

7. Gobblegum kill joy

8. Gobblegum starven marven

9. Gobblegum aqua agwa

10.  Coding heart

11. Roast Turk-Key

12. eye berry jelly

13. Green plate special

14. Hag-Gus

15.Stake tar-tar

16. Sting (theory) cheese

17.Ghoul cheese pizza

18.Leech ball pizza

19. Onion wrongs


21. Expoatric pizza

22 Fileted minion

23 Lady fingers

24 Green eggs and sam

25 Hobo delight

26  Gruesome gruel

27 Bangers and mush

28. Meat lover pizza

29. Mystery meat

30. Sad tato

31 Finger pie

32 eye spy pizza

33 eye pie

34. "angel" cake

35. mondo butter


ranged items

1. Sucker punch gauntlet gun (EPOCH)

2. Amaterasu EPOCH

3. spitfire epoch


5. ray gun

6. ray gun mark 2

7. ak47u

8. the monica thrower

9. tank tail

10. throwing knife

11. Davros hand

12. dalek plasma gun

13.  kukri Knife

14. Alien  (1 9 6 8) flamethrower

15. leon's baseball


1. broken reality 

2. kinda alive wooden lands

3. sheep land

4. 60 seconds dimension 

5. opal lands

6. grimm lands

7. epoch dimension 

8. jarkov land

9. white room

10.  fog dimension 

11. oak landy land

12. desert world

13. overworld nether

14.  plague world

15.  Abomination world gen 1

16.  trophy world 1

17. gross looking dimension

18. apothic world

19.  null world

20.  doki doki literature club world

21. tank camo world

22. fish world

23.  nought world

24. knife land

25. skaro

26.  zombie cafe dimension

27.  ender nether

28.  bearch dimension

29.  sombra world

30.  Crepuscule dimension

31. The necrobio world

32. xeno base hive world

33. dark world

34.  drowing world

35.  Abomination gen 2

36. xenomorph overoworld

37.  alien 1979 dimension

38.  helmo's world

39. xenomorph end dimension

40. xenozoid world

41. star-runner world

42. vampubus dimension

43. bad juju land

44. cryopyro dimension

45. dark glow world

46. skarxa grass world

47. the eye spy world

48. oh dear...

49. nightmare revsander dimension

50. sky spark world



1.alter reality lands

2. broken reality 

3. tall wood lands

4. sixty seconds fallen land

5. epoch fallen land 

6. grimm biome

7. blue opal land


9. jarkov biome

10. fog biome

11. smog biome

12. just oak biome

13. white room biome

14 jarkov vain land

15. plague biome

16. apothican gooby biome

17.  Abomination end biome

18. Abomination creeper biome

19. gross biome

20.  trophy biome

21. null lands

22. doki biome

23 lucky null biome

24. gross null skin biome

25.  dark doki world biome

26. just monica biome

27.  fishy land

28.  snow camo tank biome

29. forest tank biome

30.  neo knife lands

31.  Nought flora biome

32. Nought spike weed biome

33. nought biome

34. blue ought biome

35 skaro biome

36. zombie cafe biome

37. green eggs and sam biome

38. sombra ice biome


40. Crepuscule grass lands

41.  Crepuscule   weastar

42. Crepuscule biome

43. Necrobola biome

44. dead zone

45. Necro sneka biome

46. Xenobiome 1

47. Xenobiome 2

48. xeno acid biome

49. Xeno royal biome

50. black depth biome

51. drowing biome

52. Abomination wither biome

53. Abomination xercor wither biome

54. Abomination blaze biome

55. alien 1979 biome

56. helmo biome

57. xenolucky land block world yaya biome

58. star runner biome

59. vampubus biome

60. bad juju biome

61. cryo biome

62. pyro biome

63. icey cryo biome

64. icey pyro biome

65. dark glow biome

66. skarxa biome

67. sleepy skarxa biome

68. the eye die biome

69. nightmare vanger biome

70. sky spark biome

71. suber duper pooper lucky sky spark biome



1. flash light (60 seconds)

2. red lock 

3. Raditaion_semiiod

4. blue opal 

5. is0tope dust

6. isotope dust

7. soild soup ingot

8. sloid soup ingot

9. grimm gem

10. uranuniod 

11. hope gem

12. despair gem

13. despair bullet

14. hope bullet

15.  O.G.E.R ARMS

16. spitfire disc

17. ScreapEod_metal_armor ingot

18. jarkov

19. jarkov skin

20 apothican goop

21.  Abomination_Creeper dust

22. Abomination_ender_skin

23. Trophorium

24.  nulled

25 monica poem book

26.  Sayori poem book

27.  Just monica testure dinggot

28.  Forest camo tank spawner (chest tank)

29. snow camo tank spawner (chest tank)

30. Forest camo tank spawner (scorpiod tank)

31. snow camo tank spawner (scorpiod tank)

32 Neo_knife

33 Skeka

34 devokov

35 Nought_zureanok

36 Dalek nourium

37. dalek eye stock (dalek vison)

38. sombrica

39.  Crepuscule nether dustic

40. Solid_necrobola

41.  necro

42. xeno

43. Abomination wither ingot

44. Abomination blaze ingot

45. helmo dust

46.  Gas flamethrower ammo

47. star-runner ingot

48. vampubus_gor gem

49. badjuju ingot

50. pyro dust 

51 cryo dust

52. nightmare vanger star

53. leon's baseball (used)

54. e-handbook

55. Celestia's bunny


1. Raditaion_semiiod armor

2. alter reality armor

3. soild soup armor

4. sloid soup armor

5. fake Soild radioum armor

6. Isotope armor

7. Uraniuniod armor

8. gas mask (60 seconds)

9. grimm armor

10. despair armor

11. hope armor

12. ScreapEod_metal_armor

13. fog armor

14, jarkov armor

15.  apothican armor

16.  Abomination_Creeper armor

17.  Abomination_ender_skin armor

18.  Trophorium armor

19.  nulled armor

20.  Doki doki uniform

21. just monica armor

22.  neo knife armor

28.  skeka armor

29. devkov armor

30.  Nought_zureanok

31.  Dalek_nourium armor

32.  sombrica armor

33.  Crepuscule_nether armor

34.  Solid_necrobola armor

35.  necro armor

36. xeno armor

37. Abomination wither armor 

38.  Abomination blaze armor

39.  nostromo helmet

40. nostromo suit

41 helmo armor

42. star runner armor

43.  vampubus_gor armor

44. bad juju armor

45. pyro armor

46. cryo armor

47. skarxa armor

48. nightmare vanger armor

49. mono mask


1. gun (60 seconds) small

2. gun (60 seconds) big

3. map (60 seconds) 

4. old guy face

5. crepuscule painting

6. hopes peak symbole small

7. hopes peak symbole medium

8. hopes peak symbole large

9. hopes peak symbole X-tra large 



1.  Nought plant of blue despair

2.  Nought devokov plant

3.  Vordorva plant

4.  Vordorva plant despair orange

5. nought spike weed


1. broken drifter

2. blue drifter

3. ted sixty seconds

4. timmy sixty seconds

5. maryjane sixty seconds

6. Dolores sixty seconds

7. mutiant maryjane

8. Gunner suckerpunch (epoch)

9. Gunner Amaterasu (epoch)

10. Gunner spitfire (epoch)

11. Gunner crossbow (epoch)

12. Grenadier (epoch)

13. the guardian (epoch)

14.  THE O.G.E.R

15. Fogmonster

16. Fog monster swords man

17. Blue eye zombie 1

18. Mob of the dead zombie

21. gunner trident (epoch)

22. fog monster fisher man

23.fog monster bowsmen

24.fog monster smog reaper

25. mine bola spider

26. despair spider

27. paranora spider

28. overjoy spider

29. plague doctor

30. cod zombie 3

31. C.O.D zombie 4

32. margwa level 1

33.margwa level 1 tameable

34.margwa level 2

35.margwa level 2 tameable

36. margwa level 3

37. margwa level 3 tamble

38. keeper

39. the shadow man

40. Abomination creep

41. Abomination creep queen

42. Abomination enderman

43. Abomination guardian

44. Yuri (doki doki)

45. Monica (doki doki)

46. yuri causal (doki doki)

47. the broken hearted monica

48. Sayori (doki doki)

49. Sayori  causal (doki doki)

50. Natsuki (doki doki)

51. Natsuki causal (doki doki)

52. corrupted Natsuki (doki doki)

53. corrupted yuri (doki doki)

54. Forest camo tank (chest tank)

55. Forest camo tank (chest tank) mob

56. snow camo tank (chest tank)

57. snow camo tank (chest tank) mob

58. Forest camo tank (scorpiod tank)

59. Forest camo tank (scorpiod tank) mob

60. snow camo tank (scorpiod tank) mob

61. snow camo tank (scorpiod tank) 

62.Nought eye-iod

63. Nought skeka

64. Nought neurokov

65. Nought zureanok

66. Nought vordorva

67. Nought

68. Dalek red

69. dalek blue

70. dalek orange

71. dalek white

72. dalek yellow

73. time war dalek

74. dalek sec

75. skaro dalek

76. Dalek Saucer Commander

77. chase dalek

78. gold dalek

79. Supreme Council Dalek

80. Supreme red dalek

81. Renegade Dalek

82. necro dalek

83. Imperial Dalek

84. davros chair

85. davros the 7th 

86. Special Weapons Dalek

87. making mutant dalek

88. dirt dalek

89. Supreme ender dalek

90. Renegade Special Weapons Dalek

91. margwa dalek

92. red Special Weapons Dalek

93. Supreme Council Special Weapons Dalek

94. Infected dalek creeper

95. dalek tombstone

96. cafe zombie

97. waiter zombie

98. Dissatisfied zombie girl consumer

99. Crepuscule ghast

100 Crepuscule cow

101. Crepuscule creeper

102 Crepuscule spider

103. Crepuscule bug

104. Crepuscule kreacka

105. Zombroid beserker

106. Zombiod regularic

107. Shalnata Zombie beserker

108. Shalnata Zombie

109. Necro zombie guard beserker

110 Necro zombie guard 

111. Necro promteha

112. big chap

113. facehugger

114. chestburster

115. drone xenomorph 

116. runner xenomorph

117. warroir xenomorph 

118. carved warroir xenomorph

119. xenomorph resurrection warrior

120. new born (xenomorph)

121. praetorian xenomorph 

122. xenomorph queen

123. Abomination wither

124. Abomination blazer

125. Ellen ripley (1979)

126. Ash (alien 1979)

127. parker (alien 1979)

128. Samuel Brett ( alien 1979)

129. kane ( alien 1979)

130. Captain Dallas ( alien 1979)

131. Joan Lambert ( alien 1979)

132. albino xenomorph big chap

133. 2d elmo

134. helmo

135. 2D devlmo

136. Awes

137. Awes queen 

138. young vampubus

139. very weak vampubus young

140. frozoid Vampubus

141. very weak frozoid Vampubus

142. vampager

143. vampire 

144. Bad juju arch-a-noid

145. bad juju monger

146. Bad juju biped

147. Bad jujoid

148. Bad juju monger (broken)

149. Cryoioc monster

150. pyroioc monster

151. skarxa plant (sleeping)

152. skarxa cerbereusak plant (sleeping)

153. skarxa cerbereusak plant 

154. skarxa plant

155. bone skarxa

156. black skaxa

157. whuman gwore skarxa

158. ice skarxa 

159. neon skarxa

160. blue fear skarxa

161. alpha skraxa plant

162. blue fear skarxa alpha plant

163. dread skarxa

164. bronze skarxa

165. banna skarxa

166. charcoal skarxa plant

167. dragon fruit cerbereusak plant

168. ghost skraxa

169. metal skarxa

170. skarxa plant (sleeping) (despawns when idle)

171. skarxa cerbereusak plant (sleeping) (despawn when idle)

172. The hex stair

173. Aoi asahina

174. churro fujisaki

175. celestia ludenberg

176.kyoko kirigiri

177. makoto naegi

178. mukuro ikusaba

179. yasuhiro hagakure

180. hifumi yamada

181. sayaka maizono

182. leon kuwata

183. Byakuya Togami

184. Kiyotaka Ishimaru

185. toko fukawa

186.  Mondo Owada

187. Sakura Ogami

188. Genocide Jack

189. monokuma

190. Monkuma (aggresive)


1. despair potion

2.  Potion of mine bola

3. Potion of Paranoria

4. Potion of over joyed

5.Potion of Insomnia  

6.  Potion of typhoid

7.  Potion of Anemia

8. Potion of insanity

9. Potion of plague

10. Potion of malaria

11.  potion of Dalek transformation

12. chestburst


1. bunker 1

2. bunker 2


4. fake oger lab

5. Alter reality pardkorod

6. lucky build jarkov 1

7. lucky build fog structure 

8. lucky build the balrog fake out

those are the only ones i remeber off hand but there 57 more just i cant remeber there names sorry for the this ;(




                                    All dimensions and information

(with every 10 dimensions it will be a generation)



Dimension generation 1: A cold starting (when you see a lucky block biome/dimension is means it the end of the generation)


Alter reality/broken reality dimension....

nnat1d pic

broken reality dimension



nnat1d pic 2

3 new blocks

2 new mobs

1 new armor



Semi alive tree dimension......


nnat1d pic 2

Semi alive tree biome

nnat1d pic 2 nnat1d pic 2


2 new blocks


60 seconds dimension 

nnat1d pic

atomic toxic lands


nnat1d pic

6 new armors

5 new mobs

28 new blocks

27 new items


Blue opal land


blue opal biome



6 new items

2 new blocks

1 new armor


Gimm dimension


Grimm biome


11 blocks

armors 1

7 items



The Epoch world

(this world has 2 biomes)


(epoch) gunner biome


epoch bared lands


7 new mobs

1 new armor

13 new items

8 new block




now with the first Boss mob......The O.G.E/R

health: 910

damage: 8

special: when damaged it will spawn 5 epoch gunners


when the O.G.E/R dies it will have a 40% chance to drop its (O.G.E.R arms) which will be held in main/off hand


the Balrog is the first "explosive" weapon you find. it will spawn 3 TNT blocks when its bullet lands (ammo is tnt in minecarts)


Amaterasu is just a wanna be sniper which does 5.4 damage (ammo is carrots)


spitfire is a gun that will give blindness and poison but be carful it may hit you! damage 2.8 (ammo spitfire discs)



suckerpunch is just the base plate for all epoch gun recipes. damage 1.5 (ammo iron nuggets)


Oak Land


oaky biome


this only adds 1 item 



wooly sheep land



(some times its very foggy)



adds 1 new item



The foggen smoggen world

(this world has 2 biomes)


foggy biome


smog biome



4 new mobs (some are invisable to the human eye)

1 new armor

1 new item

7 new blocks




(this world has 2 biomes)


jarkov vain biome




nnat1d pic 2

5 new block

1 new armor

8 new items

end of generation 1

generation 2: null and life

land of sand dimension


okay its just a desert 


1 new item



this other dimension is just the nether but in the overworld what else do i haft to say?



the plague world


the plague biome





5 new mobs

1 new block

1 new item

10 new potions (all potions will have there other version, such as tipped arrows)


Apothican world (1)

(i left no biome picture because i believe its one of the best looking dimensions i made so far ;] )


1 new armor 

14 new blocks

17 new items


11 new mobs (in the picture it only shows 7 due to the "tameable margwas not liking any monsters, also the shadow man is not in the picture)


the second boss thus far in the mod "The shadow man"

health: 1,024

damage: 10

special: when it spawns it will spawn 2 level 3 margwa's also when damaged it will spawn 1 level 3 margwa


abomination world (1)

(this world has 3 biomes)


abomination end biome


end trap biome


abomination creeper cocoon biome


7 new blocks

13 new items

4 new mobs (in picture it does not include the 3 bosses you will soon see shortly)

2 new armors


                                                                                                         Abomination ender

health: 230

damage: 12

special: when damaged it will spawn a endermite


                                                                                                    abomination guardian 

health: 310

damage: 10

special: when damaged it will spawn a elder guardian


abomination creep queen

health: 198

damage: 3

special: when damaged it will spawn a abomination creeper to which when the abomination creeper is hurt it will spawn a regular creeper

also it will spawn tnt where it walks and also the abomination creepers do the same thing


trophoruim dimension

it does not add any new biomes expect 1 which is just a big hole. it adds just the abomination biomes, and apothican biomes.


7 new items

2 new blocks

1 new armor


White room dimension


white room biome


1 new item


Doki Doki literature club dimension (im sorry i just had to add it)

(this world has 2 biomes)


dark doki world biome


just monica biome


10 new mobs (in picture there are only 9 due to there being a boss)

6 new blocks

1 new armor (i guess you can call it armor its worse then leather..)

11 new items



when right clicked on monica poem you will have 6 options to choose from i guess choose wisely.


Sayori poem has a very good reward when you press that "get out of head" button.


the broken hearted monica

health: 100

damage: 3

special: throws tnt monica texture files at you


Null world

(this world has 3 biomes)


null gross lands/ null lands


null super duper lucky biome


1 new armor

7 new items

7 new blocks

End of generation 2

generation 3: sombra bravo


the fishy word 


fish biome


Adds 1 new item


Test tank world

the two biomes are just a regular snow biome and then a jungle biomes thats all you need to know about the biomes in this dimension


adds 6 new items

5 new mobs (there are ride able tanks and tanks that chase you with snow camo and forest camo.)

2 new blocks



what you see when riding a tank


newest tnt weapon the "tank tail" it shoots tnt and only does 3x3x3 block damage radius. also the ammo for this is fireworks



its literaly just the end but in nether generation what else do you want a ENDERNTHER DRAGON?! (oh wait thats kinda a good idea)


the cutting edge dimension (knife dimension)


the neo-knife biome


1 new armor 

2 new blocks

23 new items


ballistic knife is a knife with a custom model and i thought it should have a picture because it has very high attack speed but it does 6 damage.


Nought world

(this dimension has 4 biomes but all are really dark so i recommend using night-vision)


nought florwa biome/nought's biome (they both look exactly the same)



nought spike weed biome


blue nought biome


5 new plants

3 new armors

6 new mobs (one is not seen due to it being a boss)

16 new blocks

19 new items




attack damage: 20

speical abiltiys: spawns nought spike weeds where ever he walks and when nought spawns he will spawn from 1-5 different noughts such as "Nought skeka"


Skaro (dalek dimension)


skaro bare lands


10 new items

1 new armor

LOTS OF DALEKS AND OTHER MOBS like 27 or somthing

4 new blocks (the genisis ark is not in the picture because it dose something very special when its broken)


all daleks (so far.....)



NOW having dalek vision! hold in main or off hand to use vision. it has special ability its just uh i guess vision retexture?



the two speical enetitys in the dalek dimension. davros's chair is rideable and you can drag race in chairs with your friends. and the opened dalek next to the chair is AI less mob just there to stair and not do anything else (I KNOW THE DALEK INSIDES LOOKS LIKE A UNDER COOKED EGG OKAY!)


Davros the 7th (i know he looks like a sad pancake)

this is the main boss of the dalek dimension so lets go on with his traits

health: 87

damage: he shoots lighting bolts at you so uh it varys i guess..

drops: he drops his hand so YOU can shoot lighting

special: when he spawns he will spawn 2 dalek Supreme's to which dalek Supremes spawn 6 random daleks.


zombie cafe dimension



green eggs and sam biome and zombe cafe biome.



3 new mobs

3 new block

23 new foods

1 new item


the birch world

(the biome is just a regular birch biome)


1 new item


Crepescule dimension


Despair scule biome


10 new blocks

1 new armor

7 new items

6 new mobs


the Sombra world


the sombra cold biome


1 new armor

6 new block

7 new items


end of generation 3

generation 4: fear of your peers



Necro world


red necro biome


necobolia biome and die spare burrow biome


9 new blocks

2 new armors

13 new items

1 new liquid 

7 new mobs


all necro zombies


the Necro promteha

health: 334

damage: 19

special: can only be damaged by hitting its tail, when hurt it will spawn 3 of the beserker necro zombies, oh it can also fly.



base xenomorph dimension


base xenomorph dimension biome


11 new blocks

1 new armor

7 new items

1 new liquid 

11 new mobs

1 new potion


Big chap (xenomorph)

health: 70

attack: 10

special: when dies spawns acid




health: 10

special: when dies spawns acid and when anything touchs the face hugger it will give the entity "chestbursting" potion effect which you little have 1 minute or 2 minutes to live. when you die you will spawn a chestburster which can spawn a random alien after a certain amount of time (even a queen) if you have a milk bucket or somthing to clear potion effects then your saved.




health: 13

special: when dies spawns acid, and after a random amount of time the chestburster will change into a random xenomorph


runner xenomorph/dog xenomorph

health: 50

attack: 10

special: very fast and when dies spawns acid


Drone xenomorph


health : 60

damage: 10

special: spawns acid when dies


xenomorph warrioir 


health: 60

damage: 15

special:  spawns acid when it dies


xenomorph carved warrior

health: 85

damage: 16

special: when dies spawns acid


xenomorph resurrection warrior

health: 90

damage: 18

special: when dies spawns a acid pool


new born alien

health: 10

damage: 3


praetorian xenomorph 

health: 121

damage: 19

special: once again when it dies it spawns ACID


Queen Xenomorph



special: SPAWNS ACID WHEN YOU KILL IT and spawns random set of xenomorphs when it first spawns.


Black world 

its just the nether but its pitch black with black blocks everywhere


drowning world

its just a big ocean world but the ocean floor is just magma blocks  to pull you down and drown you.


Xenomorph overworld

just the xenomorph base dimension but with overworld generation


xenomorph end world

just the xenomorph base dimension but in end generation.


abomination world 2


blazer biome, dither biome, and withering forest.



13 new items

4 new blocks

2 new armor

2 new mobs (2 bosses)


abomination witherer

health: 478 

damage: random

special: can fly


abomination blazer 

health: 211

damage: shoots lighting at ya

special: can fly


Alien 1968 Dimension


alien 1986 biome (lots of people i see)


1 armor (with special helmet)

2 items

7 new mobs (one is a new xenomorph)

1 new ranged weapon


Albino Xenomorph

health: 106

damage: 19


 it just gives you night vision



Alien  (1 9 6 8) flamethrower

Ammo:Gas flamethrower ammo 

just shoots out fire


The Devmo dimension


The helmo biome


7 new items

2 new blocks

1 new armor

3 new mobs (one is a boss)



health: 110

attack: 20


Xenozoid luckyblock dimension


Xenozoid lucky biome



3 new blocks

1 item


end of generation 4

Generation 5: let my ideas flow


Star runner dimension



star runner common biome


Awe biome


star runner dungen (10%) of spawning


2 new mobs

12 new blocks

1 new armor

7 new items



heart tree vampubus biome






Atomic Skia DLC..................(you dont have download it but still thanks for looking!)



1. red lighting block

2. old nightmared stained netherrack

3. Ground lab block purple

4. Ground lab block blue

5. lab floor

6. vergo block 1

7. Ground lab block green

8. acron leaf

9. acron wood

10. nouk sand

11. nouk stone

12. plastic nightmare wood

13. plastic nightmare log

14. plastic lightmare log

15. pink sponge wallpaper

16. ash grass

17.  white bunker block

18. blue burn brick

19. sliver pearl block

20.  sliver pearl ore

21. polished sliver pearl block

22. crimson vine cobble

23. crimson 'Gave'el

24.  crimson lan-van-light

25. crimson chiz"A"ld writing

26. crimson greattiu

27. crimson ore

Food items.

1.  acron

2. red syringe

3. fermented nightmaruim

4. syringe nightmarium

5. onzorvor water syringe

6.  nouk soup

7. crimson sweet jEQice


1. roja-blanca's sword

2. regular cimson sword

3. bootleg nightmare staff

4. the crisin's sword

5. bootleg nightmare sword

6. the povora

Gun/ranged items

1. s1240k7

2.bussian shadow gun


1. broken mr bill head

2. Rag

3. nouk dust

4. curserite

5. Ligh-eye-.- Q phone

6. Ligh-eye-.- Q phone  (broken)

7.  sliver pearl ingot

8. nouk power vile

9.  crimson sweet weat

10.  crimsonium


1. shadow web of lies

2. nouk fire (green)

3. crimson sweet wheat

4.  crimson vine

5.  crimson kwehads


1. fermented armor (pink)

2. cinder vorszicer armor

3. pj phantom

4. sliver pearl amror


1. the old nightmared nether or the O.N.N


1. roja-blanca

2. the she shadow

3. rassaerna

4. illos modernage

5. bioiod walker

6. soul sherkker

7. salt spider

8. (phantom 1) zyinc'N'akit

9. (phantom 2) dis-pair

10. (phantom 3) vindddickitt

11. (phantom 4) the plag"ure"


1. joined the darkside

2. well hey there ;)


4. Tweeker


1. underground crim-skin caves

2. crimzoid village 

3. the elder crimzoid village







the one on the left is roja-blanca she is the leader of crimson kingdom and i will not stop attacking you until one of you falls in battle she is like a pigman just she attacks you first

the one on the right is rassaerna a passive mob only there to show you what happened before the atomic bombs hit the world. she is like a villager





the one on the left is  illos (modern age) she is a lightmare warrior defeating the nightmares now in the modern age of time she works at a museum as a guard in case the nightmares come back because.........they always do... she is like a iron golem


NOW the one on  the right is a bioiod walker its a human mixed with nouk stone and curserite forced to walk the lands of ash. also its like a blaze only different 


all the mod elements so far............



all items for now.......




all blocks so far...




all plants for now............






there is not really 100 dimensions its just the alpha so dont expect every single dimension to be good. THERE IS ONLY 50 DIMENSIONS FOR MEOW SAKE.


my models are not the best (juggernog perk) i only started so hopefully i will get better later on


with the current call of duty zombie perks have songs but when i add all perks (expect call of duty black ops 4 because i dont own the game) all perks will have there own jingles 

and i might even add my own perks (ALSO NO PERKS WORK SO THERE JUST THERE FOR THE LOOKS) 





 yes i know raditaion is spelled wrong i did to be funny..

Total mod element count for Pre-Alpha build of atomic skia: 139 

but you may be wondering why i say 139 instead of 77? well i am counting EVERY SINGLE MOD ELEMENT like recipes and smelting and listing all the recipes will not very useful for many reasons so i am listing the things what  people will be most interesting for people.


Now enjoy the mod! i will be updating this very frequently i have many more pictures to show and things to tell but i have spent 3 hours on this screen so i think i should take a little eye break now BYE and again enjoy!


Minecraft mod files
ATOMIC SKIA BETA - the pre-alpha of atomic skia! old DLC Uploaded on: 06/28/2020 - 14:37   File size: 1.05 MB
atomic skia update hydro lock - the hydroiod update hope you like it! DLC Uploaded on: 09/10/2020 - 03:53   File size: 813 bytes
no name and 100 dims. requiem verison 1.jar - the second part to no name and the 100 dims. Uploaded on: 01/18/2021 - 23:08   File size: 1.55 MB
No name and the 100 dims. madman update.jar Uploaded on: 04/21/2021 - 04:49   File size: 12.35 MB

I am getting serious "Infinite Dimensions Snapshot" vibes from this. Which is nice becuase I really enjoyed that concept and would love to revisit it or something similar in a newer version

Hi! I'm new to MCreator and I have been watching you and many others mod on this community (this is a great website) I learned a lot from this site and this is one of best Minecraft sites out there for modding. Anyway you Apollo 11 is one of the more better modders out there, you come up with things that are scary and cheesey but in a good way. Anyway you where the one who made me make this account and just to say hi. I guess you can call me a fan? Lol


P.P.S best of luck on MOTW! i can see that all your mods have a great future ahead of them!