Improved Enchants
First Patch/Rework
<<Text>> = New Section
* = New things
* = Extended Info
<<Weapon Enchants>>
* Will now do 3 seconds of overtime damage to undead.
* Level of smite divided by 2.
Bane of Arthropods
* There is a chance for spiders to drop a String Spool that can be crafted into 16 string each.
* Lv 1 = 5% chance.
* Lv 2 = 10% chance.
* Lv 3 = 15% chance.
* Lv 4 = 20% chance.
* Lv 5 = 25% chance.
*Creeper Crusher
* Crushes Creepers into the ground.
* Lv 1 = 50% max hp (10 damage).
* Lv 2 = 100% max hp (20 damage).
* Upon hitting a creeper there is a chance to drop a Gunpowder Pouch that can be crafted into 16 gunpowder each.
* Lv 1 = 35% to obtain a gunpowder pouch.
* Lv 2 = 35% to obtain a gunpowder pouch and 35% to obtain a second.
* Hitting a creeper will deal 4 damage to the the item used (only for Lv 1).
* It works with unbreaking (reducing the damage done to the item or having a chance to not damage it at all).
* Only found in dungeon chests.
<<Armor Enchants>>
Frost Walker
* Now also makes the entity faster while on ice.
* +20% speed increase per level.
* Does NOT stack with the speed potion effect.
* Effect will last for 3 seconds after losing contact with ice.
Aqua Affinity
*While in water have strength 1 for 3 seconds.
* +3 damage.
* You can now craft rotten leather by putting rotten flesh in a plus sign / cross.
* Rotten leather can be smelted into leather.
Hey, that's nice idea, continue.