Loot 'n' Booty (LNB)

Published by razar8 on
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This mod is kind of a somewhat unique mod, in the context of what I already made that is. It takes inspiration from my previous creations (most notably Dead-Craft and TMA), a lot of those pretty much fell short of my grand idea. Thus, you might see some things that carried over. For example, one of the materials this mod includes is Bluesteel, which actually started as a recreation of Cobalt from Dead-Craft. Another cool thing is the set of electronic parts like powercells and wires, which are (you guessed it) taken from TMA. There's a lot of unrelated things in this mod, but overall LNB just boils down to materials and equipment. There are a lot of neat things in here, and to really enjoy it all you just need to see it for yourself. I really think that those two years were really worth it, and I went through a lot of versions to perfect the idea. In fact, this version I'm posting is called Redux, and it's the most recent development. The others? well, if anybody really wants me to I could start work on those again and post them as separate mods maybe. otherwise I honestly have no intention to finish them.

Anyways, here is some notable stuff, in no particular order:

  • custom music
    • I actually not only make mods and the textures in my mods, but I also make music too.
    • you can find some of my tracks here as music discs and ambient music
  • custom 3D models
    • I know this may be a stretch for just an average MCreator mod, but I also made decent (I think so at least) models for whatever I thought needed them.
    • the most notable custom models belong to the familiar-looking arm cannons
  • references
    • you might recognize some things here
  • familiar-looking arm cannons with familiar-looking cool powers
    • mounted on the arms of familiar-looking blue robots
    • if you know, you know
    • here's a bit of trivia, those things were actually the first elements I put into the project. in fact, the whole Bluesteel Tech Lore (which includes this family of weapons) is basically the groundwork for LNB Redux looking back on it now.
  • new ores that for once actually do not generate in absurd amounts (thank you MCreator hints)
    • I even put up a cool screenshot of all the ores so far, you can read more on the important ones down the list
  • lots of complicated crafting recipes, so probably install JEI (not sponsored) with this mod, if you haven't already.
  • a (very vague albeit somewhat linear) sense of progression
    • Okay listen, don't even get me started on the entirety of this mod's linear progression (which isn't even finished yet!) unless you wanna help me write a whole book, alright? alright.
    • Instead, here's here's this watered-down diet-coke version of the main progression this mod pushes, which is in fact only one (and probably the most complicated) of the ways you could go about this pixel spaghetti I put together:
      • iron + stick = hammer
      • hammer + iron ingot = iron dust
      • hammer + coal = carbon
      • hammer + iron dust + carbon = steel compound
      • steel compound + cook for 10 seconds = steel ingot
      • hammer + lapis lazuli = lapis dust
      • hammer + steel dust + lapis dust = bluesteel compound
      • bluesteel compound + blast for 5 seconds = bluesteel ingot
      • bluesteel ingot + crafting table = bluesteel thing
      • glowy blue reed = skyglow dust
      • skyglow dust x4 = skyglowstone
      • some different powders + water bucket = bucket of holy water
      • skyglowstone + shape of a nether portal + holy water bucket = portal to the bootleg aether Altitude Limit dimension
      • shameless ripoff of the aether Altitude Limit dimension + shiny yellow ore in blue rock = aetherdust
      • hammer + aetherdust + steel dust = aethersteel compound
      • aethersteel compound + blast for 5 seconds = aethersteel ingot
      • bluesteel thing + aethersteel ingot + smithing table = aethersteel thing
      • repeat until amount of over-powered completely-reasonably-powered endgame material that is extremely powerful definitely not too powerful and is definitely meant to be in no way meant to be a flex towards Mojang is satisfactory
      • utterly obliterate have a fair fight with the completely unsuspecting definitely prepared baby miniboss of a dragon at this point definitely still challenging endgame boss, and finally after all your pointless grinding hard work, reap the rewards you got from downloading this mod to make up for lack of skill fighting fair and square with no loss of difficulty whatsoever.
      • profit
      • sit and wonder what to do with yourself post-end
  • emerald armor/tools, 'nuff said.
    • actually, if you do care, I'll let you in on a cool fact. I made it so that emerald armor actually has less protection value than diamond (being a weaker gem), but it makes up for it with higher armor toughness. something to consider i guess.
    • emerald equipment is made of a highly valuable gem (emerald), thus, emerald equipment is an investment. It has less durability than diamond, but it does have a higher enchantability than diamond equipment. Just think of it as a higher-tier gold alternative. If you can manage something like that, then by all means, go for it.
    • emerald stuff is forged from diamond stuff like netherite is, meaning you keep your stats from the previous equipment, which I think is just a really neat concept.
  • (pre-1.17) copper stuff.
    • copper is basically one of the more important materials here, being a key component in electronics crafting.
    • yes, if ever MCreator supports 1.17+ (which I imagine it will sometime in the future), I will definitely take the actions necessary to integrate LNB copper with vanilla copper smoothly. 
    • copper equipment is a little lower-tier than iron is, putting it in the comfortable spot somewhere between iron and leather. so if I'm being honest there really isn't any need to craft copper stuff, not yet at least. I just felt like all the (durable) metal materials needed a little more consistency, that's all. on the other hand though, it does look kinda cool in my completely un-biased creator's opinion, so maybe just think of it like a less-squishy gold alternative, in terms of being flashy and stuff (if you could even consider copper flashy and stuff).
  • sulfur, the veteran Minecrafter's old friend.
    • if you know some old minecraft trivia, you'll definitely recognize this stuff.
    • now it actually has a use other than just being gunpowder like it would have before it was scrapped
    • If you're keen with the eye you can spot sulfur ore underground and in the nether, which can be used to make some cool stuff. It's a fairly recent addition to the project, so I'm still figuring out what to do with it. feel free to put your sulfur opinions anywhere i can see them, i guess
  • more tree types that spawn in their dedicated biomes.
    • ok so we got Sapwood which spawns in Sap forests, and Mangowood which spawns in Mango forests (go figure).
    • you can collect sap from sapwood logs with a steel tap and some potion bottles.
      • fun fact this whole idea of the LNB mod and particularly Sapwood trees was being developed since 1.12, so I guess you could say I had the idea of a yellow edible liquid (honey) before Mojang did.
      • but then bees got added and I had to change the name so yeah
    • Mangowood leaves drop mangoes. What an idea, huh? anyway you can take one and make it into a mango but on fire, which is the key ingredient for a certain upgrade for a certain weapon. Hey I ain't tellin', you gotta go figure it out for yourself or just look it up with JEI.
Minecraft mod files
LNBRedux-v1.4.0 (1.16.5).jar - LNB 1.4.0 (MC-1.16.5) Uploaded on: 01/31/2022 - 06:36   File size: 11.41 MB
LNBRedux-v1.3.4 (1.16.5).jar - LNB 1.3.4 (MC-1.16.5) Uploaded on: 01/30/2022 - 07:38   File size: 11.39 MB
LNBRedux-v1.3.3 (1.16.5).jar - LNB 1.3.3 (1.16.5) Uploaded on: 12/25/2021 - 20:54   File size: 11.3 MB
LNBRedux-v1.3.2 (1.16.5).jar - LNB 1.3.2 (MC-1.16.5) Uploaded on: 10/04/2021 - 04:01   File size: 4.95 MB

Noteworthy Stuff Changelog:

  • version 1.3.1:
    • posted to MCreator.net
    • charcoal logs now replace charcoal when smelting logs in a furnace
      • they're just regular logs but a little burnt
      • you can craft them into 6 charcoal or just use them as fuel
  • version 1.3.2:
    • texture changes
    • crafting changes
      • silicon has a use now
  • version 1.3.3:
    • lots of new small things
    • texture polishing
    • platinum
    • new ways to get things
      • ie netherite
  • version 1.3.4:
    • new recipes, updated old ones
      • you can now get 18 carbon from 1 charcoal log with a hammer as usual
    • new stuff
      • foods, ie sweetberry pie and sweet rolls
      • ingredients like flour, dough
    • bugfixes
      • fixed certain animations
    • texture updates/fixes
  • version 1.4.0:
    • realized I put out 1.3.4 half-baked, in process of finishing unfinished content
    • begun the process of Forge Tag support
    • added some item types (eg dusts and nuggets) where they were lacking
    • some misc crafting recipes
      • removed Alchemy Machine
      • replaced Alchemy Machine with Alchemical Catalyst crafting recipes
        • eg six lead ingots + two gold dust + alchemical catalyst = six gold ingots
        • expect more of this mechanic in the future
      • heavy wires are more useful now
        • you can now melt them down into copper nuggets (which are new) instead of having them pile up in your storage uselessly
    • will take new screenshots relevant to current version


  • upcoming:
    • new chucker type
      • it chucks sand
      • nuff said
    • full Forge Tag support
    • complete material sets
      • every non-alloy has an ore block
      • every material has a compressed block
      • every hard material has a dust item
      • every metallic material has a nugget item
      • every metallic material has a plate item
      • every metallic material has a rod item
      • every metallic material has a gear item
      • every ductile metal has a wire item
      • every durable metal has full weapon and armor sets
    • new music
    • new 3D models
    • new entities
    • new potion effects
    • new foodstuffs