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This mod adds ides notch wanted for minecraft like mobs, blocks, and items. Section:1 Mobs - the brown spider is a new type of spider based off the original texture of the spider before it became black, this spider is like a regular spider but wen attacked it shoots its webs at you they drop spider eyes next mob is the pig creeper and i think all of us know where the mob came from they work like regular normal creeper the next mob is a lizard (yes we could have had lizards in minecraft) the lizard spawns in jungle and taiga biomes and can be bred or tamed with water melons but they can't fight for you and they will also eat melon blocks next mob is the duck it spawns in rivers and can be bred with bread or wheat seeds they drop raw duck. Section:2 items and blocks - ruby ore is a new ore that is common as iron and can be used to make lodestones you can also make a ruby block the next item is a quiver witch can be used to store arrows and your bow in you put the arrows in the green slot and the bow in the purple slot. That's really it for this mod make sure to leave any feedback or bugs.

Minecraft mod files
Notchcraft 1.16.5.jar - . Uploaded on: 08/18/2021 - 23:52   File size: 118.71 KB