Lagi's mod(Original)

Upvotes: 3
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There is a new version of this mod. It has less content overall, but is far more polished:  This was my first mod. I was aiming to create a mod based around new biomes and dimensions, giving players more to explore. 

*NOTICE: This mod is CANCELED. I decided to do this because I feel like I bit off more than i could chew, and I need to gain more experience before I can do a project like this justice. I am sorry to the 2 Lagi's mod fans in existance, but i have discontinued development to focus on smaller more managable mods. I hope you understand.

*Banana is used to tame monkeys.

*Crocodiles can be tamed with anytype of fish

*Bananas are dropped from monkeys, and from banana trees, which are the things that look like bamboo in the tropics.

anyways that's all i have to say for now. Until then enjoy the mod.

Minecraft mod files
LagisModUpdate1.jar - The latest update Uploaded on: 10/17/2021 - 14:52   File size: 414.53 KB

First Major Update:

*New banana statues and monkey guards added, along with the new monkey temple and monkey god boss fight.

*Lava fortress in Volcano Biome, Protected by Lava Golems.

*Tar was added, There in't a use for it yet, but there will be in the near future.

*READ: Chitin armor is still unfinished, try to avoid using

nice crocodile, +1 upvote and sure MOTW candidate if you add more variety or retextute

Hello! Your mod pictures are nice, but contain that white bar from Minecraft client. I'd ask you for either editing these images and removing that white bar, or making new pictures without it. This way they will fit mod publishing guidelines. You can read more about them on this page: Other than that, this monkey is cute :)