Upvotes: 4
Project status
In development
Public Domain
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
A simple mod adding useful and balanced rings to Minecraft.
- Knives can be made in Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Netherite varieties.
- Knives are faster, but weaker than swords, and have less durability.
- Gems can be cut by right clicking with a knife and the gem in your offhand.
- Diamonds, Emeralds, and Lapis Lazuli can be cut to give the cut gem and some XP, at the cost of the knife's durability.
Gold Ring
Diamond Ring
- This ring serves the purpose of making better rings.
Emerald Ring
- This ring currently has no use. (Plans on making it attract Villagers to you, and/or give better trades).
Ender Ring
- When held in offhand, this ring provides a speed boost while sprinting, but also blindness unless you are in the End dimension.
Anvil Ring
- When held in offhand, taking fall damage will activate an anvil attack that deals damage when you are wearing armor.
- The attack gets stronger the better armor you wear.
Netherite Ring
- When held in offhand, provides Fire Resistance.
- The ring is immune to fire itself.
Fisherman's Ring
- When held in offhand, grants bonus fishing XP, and gives luck while in the overworld.
Guardian Ring
- When held in offhand, gives enhanced swimming / underwater vision, as well as immunity to Mining Fatigue.
- Crafted with the Elder Guardian Eye, a new drop from the Elder Guardian.
Nether Star Ring
- When held in offhand, gives immunity to Wither and Poison effects.
Modification files
Jewelcrafting.jar - Jewelcrafting Mod Download
Uploaded on: 10/21/2021 - 21:38 File size: 101.87 KB
Looks amazing!