Item Compressor!

Published by Marvvinekk on
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 Item Compressor is a mod adding two new tools to minecraft, that let you save a lot of place in your inventory, e.g. when you go for an adventure and you carry too many items with you. This mod is a solution to that problem!

Item Compressor lets you compress any items or blocks into their x : 8 version. For instance x64 cobblestone will be compressed into x8 pieces, then you can compress it again, into x1 piece. And the best thing is - you can compress it endlessly!



You also need to decompress those items eventually. Item Decompressor lets you do that in two ways:
1. You can either fully decompress, no matter how many times compressed, item, e.g. a stack of a 2 times compressed item is going to give you 64 stacks of the item (which would be the amount you compressed in the first place)
2. Or decompress it only by 1, e.g. decompress a stack of a 5 times compressed item into 8 stacks 4 times compressed, then those into 64 stacks 3 times compressed, then 64 x 8 stacks 2 times compressed, and so on.




 And that's it! Item Compressor mod, besides vanilla items, is compatible with all other items from different mods!




You can join me on my server Marwinekk's mods to see how my mods are being developed. Also, if you like my modding style, you can suggest what next QoL mod I could do for you!

Join the discord or donate to support me, so I can improve the mods' quality with more advanced programs!

If you wish to use this in a modpack, feel free to do so and let me know if you do!

Minecraft mod files
Item - text file with link curseforge Uploaded on: 11/18/2022 - 08:19   File size: 213 bytes

1) A complete rework of Compressed Units!

I think a good block would be things like andesite, diorite, or granite. Cool mod and really creative! =D

Cool looking mod, maybe also compress concrete, concrete powder, planks, ore blocks, stone bricks, and smooth stone.