Dungeons+ Mod

Published by JakeF01MC on
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In development
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List of Mod Contents:

  • Lava Dungeon (Structure)
  • Origin Altar (Structure) Updated in 0.2 - New Name: Origin Crater
  • Outpost (Structure)
  • Tower Dungeon (Structure)
  • Honey Island (Structure)
  • Origin Fragment (Material)
  • Origin Stone (Block)
  • Rotten Cobblestone (Block)
  • Rotten Iron Ore (Block)
  • Raw Cursed Iron (Material)
  • Cursed Iron Ingot (Material)
  • Galaxy Dust (Material)
  • Galaxy Rock (Material)
  • Galaxy Block (Block)
  • Galaxy Sword (Weapon)
  • Honey Sword (Weapon)
  • Cursed Rotten Sword (Weapon)
  • Blazing (Status Effect)
  • Weapon Upgrade System (Mechanic)

As of Version 0.2:

  • Heart System (Mechanic)
  • Heart Boulder (Structure)
  • Heart Container (Item/Block)
  • Nether Islands (Structure)

Details on each content:


Lava Dungeon

The lava dungeon is a rarer type of dungeon that contains a Wither Skeleton Spawner and 2 chests. The dungeon itself is overflowing with lava and magma. The chests have custom loot tables, with a chance of getting origin stones. (Which are extremely important)


Origin Altar

The origin altar is arguably the most important structure in the mod. It contains a Origin Stone which is used to upgrade your swords. The Origin Stone is surrounded by Rotten Cobblestone, a new decorative block.



A structure that only spawns in the plains biome, it has no enemies, but contains some good loot. They're quite rare.


Tower Dungeon

A classic dungeon type. A tower with multiple levels, containing multiple mobs and treasures. Make your way to the top to claim you're amazing loot.


Honey Island

A floating island inhabited by bees. If your low on honey, this is the island for you. With a 100% chance to get a honey sword too.


Origin Fragment

A material used to upgrade your weapons. Obtained by either breaking the Origin Stone with an iron pickaxe or greater, or it can be obtained from looting dungeons and structures.


Origin Stone

Found in the Origin Altar, it is used to upgrade your weapons. Silk Touch does not affect this, instead it will always drop a Origin Fragment.


Rotten Cobblestone

A decorative block made to accompany the Origin Stone in the Origin Altar.


Rotten Iron Ore

Resembling the Rotten Cobblestone, this block is much rarer than anything in minecraft. It is used to craft the Cursed Rotten Sword. (More uses may come at a later date.)


Raw Cursed Iron and Cursed Iron Ingot

Both are material used to craft the Cursed Rotten Sword. Both were created to emulate the steps of crafting an iron sword.


Galaxy Dust

A special material which can be obtained in the End. If you destroy a block in the end, there's a small chance it will drop a single Galaxy Dust.


Galaxy Rock

A special material used to upgrade your weapons. Can be created by placing 4 Galaxy Dust in the crafting grid.


Galaxy Block

A decorative block and a special material. Crafted by filling a 3x3 crafting grid with Galaxy Rock. This is used to craft the Galaxy Sword.


Galaxy Sword

A new weapon above Netherite. This sword can also be upgraded.


Honey Sword

A new weapon found in the Honey Island. This weapon has a special effect. When you shift while the sword is in your main hand, you will quickly regenerate HP, however you will be slowed down significantly and the swords durability will deteriorate quickly. This sword cannot be crafted, and it cannot be upgraded.


Cursed Rotten Sword

This sword is crafted using Cursed Iron Ingots, the new rarest ore. The sword is really strong for early game, but curses you by reducing your maximum amount of hearts whilst its being held. This sword cannot be upgraded.


Blazing Status Effect

This effect is currently not obtainable without cheats. The effects sets fire at your feet and if you run, you will leave a trail of fire. This will be implemented properly in the future.

As of version 0.2, this effect now has a splash potion and it is obtainable in the Nether Islands.


Weapon Upgrade System

The biggest part of the mod is the ability to upgrade weapons. All vanilla swords can be upgraded, the galaxy sword can be upgraded. You can find upgraded swords in certain dungeons along side some upgrade material.

Origin Fragments are used to upgrade your weapons to +3.

Levelling up to +1 requires 1 Origin Fragment, Levelling up to +2 requires 2 Origin Fragments, Levelling up to +3 requires 3 Origin Fragments.

When your weapon is at +3, you can ascend your weapon using a nether star, granting you an Ascended [Sword Name Here].

You can upgrade an ascended weapon using Galaxy Rocks.

Levelling up to +1 requires 1 Galaxy Rock, Levelling up to +2 requires 2 Galaxy Rocks, Levelling up to +3 requires 3 Galaxy Rocks.

When your weapon is at Ascended +3, you can use another nether star to upgrade it one final time, making it Ascended [Sword Name Here] +Max.


Heart System

The new heart system has you start of with 3 hearts. You have to find and consume Heart containers, of which you can find undergrounds in the overworld and in the nether. In version 0.2, they're very common.


Heart Boulder

Heart Boulders are the structure containing the Heart Containers. Commonly found underground.


Heart Container

Using a specific level of pickaxe, you must destroy and eat these to increase the maximum number of hearts you have. Number of hearts in currently maxed at 20, aka, normal full health. there are plans to introduce a rarer heart which will increase you max hp passed 20.


Nether Islands

Another floating island to accompany the Honey Island. This island is technically 2 small islands together, hence Island(s). The Blazing Splash Potion can spawn in one of the two chests and this is the only way to obtain it currently. Strong swords and more are also obtainable.


Minecraft mod files
Dungeons+ v0.1.jar Uploaded on: 03/20/2022 - 01:24   File size: 285.55 KB
Dungeons+ v0.2.jar - Latest Version Uploaded on: 03/23/2022 - 00:27   File size: 353.8 KB

V0.2 - -

Changed the Design and Name of the Origin Altar. Now called the Origin Crater, its new design can be seen in the images on this page.

Implemented a new mechanic which limits your maximum amount of hearts and gives you the ability to increase that maximum using an item found in the world.

Added another Island Structure, the Nether Islands.