Raw Debris

Published by SuperNolax on
Upvotes: 2
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In development
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 Hello! If You Are Not Getting This Mod Off CurseForge, MCreator's Official Website Or Planet Minecraft, You Are Possibly On A Mod Stealing Website, It Could Be Infecting Your Device With Various Viruses And Malware! So, Please Scan Your Device For Viruses Or Malware If You Are Not Getting This Mod Off Of CurseForge, MCreator's Official Website Or Planet Minecraft, If It Does Detect Viruses Or Malware, You Should Have Your Security Software Delete The Viruses Or Malware, You Should Have An Anti-Virus Software Running At All Times, Security Measures Over, Onto The Description!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I Added Raw Debris To Minecraft, Why? 1.17 Introduced Raw Ores, But No Raw Debris, That Was Very Annoying Because That Would Have Been So Cool, So I Decided That I Should Make Raw Debris, Because Why Not?  So, Here It Is, I Hope This Idea Has Not Been Taken Yet, By SuperNolax, So Have Fun If You Can And Have A Good Life, And A Quick Reminder This Is A 1.17.1 Mod, See You In The Next Update For This Mod! Raw Debris Can Be Smelted In Normal Furnaces Or Blast Furnaces To Get 1 Netherite Scrap, Do Not Delete Old Versions, Or They Will Be Gone Forever, Other Official Downloads: Planet Minecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/raw-debris/ CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/raw-debris

Minecraft mod files
Raw-Debris-1.17.1v1.0.6.jar - Check The Changelog Uploaded on: 03/04/2022 - 18:12   File size: 270.96 KB
Raw-Debris-1.17.1v1.0.5.1.jar Uploaded on: 12/15/2021 - 22:47   File size: 261.59 KB
Raw-Debris-1.17.1v1.0.5.jar - 1.17 UPDATE Uploaded on: 12/14/2021 - 22:49   File size: 233.27 KB
Raw-Debris-1.16.5v1.0.4-CraftingTweaks.jar Uploaded on: 11/17/2021 - 21:07   File size: 250.66 KB

v1.0.1 Changelog


Raw Debris No Longer Burns In Lava Or Fire.

v1.0.2 Changelog


Added The Moon, And Added Deeprack And Deeprack Variants Of Every Nether Ore (Nether Quartz, Nether Gold, Ancient Debris).

v1.0.3 Changelog


Added Raw Debris Blocks (the texture is horrible and i hate it) and added Emberite, Currently Useless, Might Be Used For Crafting Recipes In The Future.

v1.0.3 Bugpatch Changelog


Deep Nether Bricks No Longer Make Dirt Sounds.

v1.0.4 Changelog


Added Cheese Armor, Cheese Ore And Cheese (On The Moon) And Earth Fragments (The Moons Coal).

v1.0.4 Crafting Tweaks Changelog


Cheese Armor Can Be Crafted Like Normal Armor, That Is It.

v1.0.5 Changelog


Moon Block Textures Changed, Deepslate Emberite Ore, And 1.17.1 SUPPORT!

v1.0.5.1 Changelog


Deepslate Emberite Ore No Longer Drops Raw Emberite And The Ore Itself, Advancements, And A New Ore.

v1.0.6 Changelog


Gave A Ton Of The Blocks NBT Tags And Revamped The Moon's Textures Again, Removed Moon Hills Biome, Loading In A World That Loaded In The Moon Is Not Possible. RIP That World.  



Updated Raw Debris And Pebble's Descriptions To Have The Possible Mod Stealing Website Message.

Raw Debris Version 1.0.0 Is Deleted, I Hope You Got It Before It Was Deleted.