BIW: Bacrian's Infresnalic World!

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In development
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The mod is in an early state so expect a lot of things not going as it should go normally

Q: Is BIW a new expansion to SoftCore?

A: No, actually it's a whole new mod that i made because i couldn't continue working on SoftCore


Q: Why you can't keep working on SoftCore?

A: The Workspace of the mod doesn't open properly, i sended a Forum Topic on MCreator, yet i can still reuse some assets from SoftCore to be used on BIW


Q: BIW for 1.18.x?

A: Not yet, but if MCreator updates and allows it, yep, it will definitely update to that version, tho i would like to keep this on 1.17, because 1.18 causes a lot of lag


Q: BIW on Fabric?

A: I think not, a fabric port would be a huge headache to do, and i don't really have that much time


Q: Will BIW have a better vanilla feeling?

A: I'll try my best for that



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Minecraft mod files
BIW-Enchantments-ExperimentalBuild-1_0.jar - Adds a few things, just a quick build to test the new enchantments (fixed tho) Uploaded on: 07/14/2022 - 20:02   File size: 1 MB
BIW Beta12.1-G Public DevBuild [MC 1.17.1].jar - Changelog: Uploaded on: 09/04/2022 - 15:24   File size: 2.17 MB

Changelog: Closed Betas ( Beta 1 - Experimental Ench. Build 7) and Public Beta Build (Beta 12.1-G)

+ Added a Biome: Corrupted Hills

+ Added a Block: Void Reactor Control Panel

+ Added a Block: Void Reactor Focus Magnet & Void Reactor Deflection Magnet

+ Added a Block: Void Reactor Accelerator Tube

+ Added a dimension: The Void

+ Added a block: Corrupted Dirt

+ Added a block: Corrupted Grass

+ Added a block: Dark Stone

+ Added a block: Dark Cobblestone

+ Added a mineral: Drunkenite

+ Added a mineral: Blarkond

+ Added a mineral: Uranium

+ Added a mineral: Pyrite

+ Added a mineral: Carbon

+ Added a mineral: Sapphire

+ Added a mineral: Ruby

+ Added an enchantment: Lift

+ Added an enchantment: Life Steal

+ Added an enchantment: Weaken

+ Added an enchantment: Reverse Knockback

+ Added an enchantment: Toughen

+ Added an enchantment: Hammering

+ Added an enchantment: Decimate

- Removed an enchantment: Reverse Knockback

+ Added a type of wood: Cork Oak

+ Added a type of wood: Cedar

+ Added a type of wood: Cypress

+ Added a type of wood: Cherry

+ Added a type of wood: Eucalyptus

+ Added a type of wood: Willow

+ Renamed a block: Dark Stone -> Voidstone

+ Added a block: Etherstone

+ Added an item: Graphene Powder

+ Added a dimension: Etherside

+ Added an effect: Unkfotoxin

+ Added an effect: Antionoxin

+ Added an effect: Glomtomixine

+ Added an effect: Anizinexine

+ Added an effect: Eipertoxylin

+ Added a type of wood: Arbutus

+ Added a type of wood: Jacaranda

+ Added a type of wood: Catalpa

+ Added a type of wood: Baobab

+ Added a type of wood: Sequoia

+ Added a type of wood: Sweetgum

+ Added a type of wood: Paulownia

+ Added a type of wood: Beech

+ Added a type of wood: Crepe

+ Added a type of wood: Maple

+ Added a type of wood: Ginkgo

+ Added a type of wood: Ash

+ Added a type of wood: Ficus

+ Added a type of wood: Neem

+ Added a type of wood: Redbud

+ Added a type of wood: Parrotia

+ Added a type of wood: Butternut

+ Added a type of wood: Elm

+ Added a type of wood: Cottonwood

+ Added a type of wood: Heart Tree

+ Added a type of wood: Palm Tree

+ Added a block: Swamp Algae

+ Added an item: Swamp Algae Fiber

+ Added a food: Dried Swamp Algae Fiber

+ Added a block: Marble

+ Added a block: Glass Barrier Fence