Trailer : Fairy Dragons! - A Minecraft mod trailer - YouTube
The tamed fairy dragons can now fight for you and some will do ranged attacks.
Melee : lime, silver, maple and ruby fairy dragons.
Ranged : blue and obsidian fairy dragons.
This mod adds a few new creatures, called the fairy dragons!
Blue, Silver and Lime dragons can be found spawning naturally here! You can also find their nests too! (Silver ones are rarer)
The scarlet bamboo forest is full of fallen leaves, scarlet bulbs and shrooms. You can also find obsidian and maple dragon nests here. The two dragon types that spawn naturally here are the Obsidian and Maple dragons.
Life cycle:
The lime dragon is the most basic and common dragon, and is not hard to find in the Sparkling Forest.
Although you will need diamonds to hatch its chrysalis, this dragon is easy to find in the sparkling forest.
As this dragon is one of the most pretty dragon, hatching its chrysalis requires the rare silver dust . Silver dust requires silver pods, which are hard to find.
The maple dragon is the most special dragon of them all, as it has one horn on its head not like the two horns of the other dragons.
The obsidian dragon is special as it has a dark body colour. To get it, be prepared to mine 36 obsidian and some crying obsidian!
The ruby fairy dragon is the newest addition to the mod! Try to find the ruby ore at deepslate level.
Other recipes:
The Dragon Treats are for taming the dragons.
Put the egg on the Egg Hatcher
Have fun! C:
Extra: If you prefer to get it from Curseforge
15 June : The tamed dragons will help you fight and some can do ranged attacks. (confirmed)
14 June : The tamed dragons will now follow you even when you are not holding dragon treats. They will also attack whatever you attack, just don't let them hit each other or they will get mad at each other.
11 June : Added ruby dragon and minor texture fixes
Yay the last one is Sardior (Can DnD sue me for saying that?)