The Relic Altar surrounded with Overworld Voidrock.
Upvotes: 3
Project status
In development
Custom license
Project members
Lead developer
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
Mod releases have been paused until full release.
The mod will continue releases sometime in a few months, but until then, just wait I guess :/
Though releases are paused, development will still continue. The next update will be HUGE (I hope). I also plan on creating a new mod page so that it will be seen by more.
Thanks for your patience,
- Flarf
Update: Moved to another page
Minecraft mod files
DIMPROG_Indev-0.1.0.jar - Indev release #1. Barely has anything.
Uploaded on: 06/11/2022 - 20:12 File size: 1.36 MB
DIMPROG_Indev-0.2.0.jar - Indev release #2. Actually adds portals and dimensions!
Uploaded on: 06/15/2022 - 22:22 File size: 1.91 MB
Sorry for the pause, I kinda can't take the weekly posting yet. It should be back up in a month or two.
Also, gotta give credits to Scimiguy, creator of Advent of Ascension (Nevermine), who I take great inspiration from. Link to Advent of Ascension here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advent-of-ascension-nevermine
Soon is now :yippee: