Farlands Past (RPGcraft)

Published by kakreth on
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1.16 version of the mod is discontinued, mod is being remade and tweaked for 1.18


Farland Chronicles is a Fantasy based pvm and pvp mod designed around multiplayer, making this mod perfect to play with your friends.


Elven Warspear


Elven Warspear

Elven Warspear is obtained by fixing a broken Elven Warspear with a forging rod, made with 3 forge ingots and 4 reinforced string, (see wiki for more info)

Broken Elven Warspear is dropped by the combat golem at a rate of 1/25

The Elven Warspear is a two handed high dps weapon that performs best vs high armour targets
Fast attack speed allows it to make effective use of the rune blade enchantment

Charge attack (5s cooldown) that marks targets for 3 seconds - marks are refreshed by hits from the warspear

Hitting a marked target 3 times knocks them back and deals damage based on their armour

Elven warspear is on par with the blood thunder axe (previous highest dps weapon) for low armour targets but outclasses it on high armour targets



Wizard Class rework including key bind spell casting and spell selection system

Wizards now have 4 spell slots with different choices for each slot

Primary Spell, Secondary Spell, AOE Spell, Ultimate Spell (base keybind set to c,v,b, and n respectively, these can be changed in controls)

Start by having the wizard class potion effect and making a spell focus for each spell slot (you will need 4 books and 10 mana total for this)

Book + mana makes primary spell focus, then Primary focus + mana makes secondary etc.
Primary spell focus crafting recipe

 Right Click a focus to open the spell selection list and then click the desired spell. By default the top spell in the list is selected (Ultimate spell list pictured below)
Ultimate Spell selection list

If you meet the requirements to cast the spell, pressing the key bind will instantly enact the effects of the spell. If you don't meet the requirements you will receive a message in the action bar informing you of the most prevalent requirement you do not meet in order of: 
1.Spell is on cooldown
2.You aren't a spell caster
3.You don't have any mana
4.You don't meet the level requirement of the spell
5.You don't have a component requirement for the spell
6. You don't meet any other requirement/restriction (for example you can only have 1 Vile Scorpion/Spirit Tiger at any given time)
Ultimate Spell default keybind

Wizard Subclasses Augment some spells, a full list of spells and how arcane channelling and wizard subclasses can be found on the wiki* here (*Wiki is incomplete and in progress please be patient with this)

Flying eyeball demon that shoots a blast with 3 different effects with equal chance for each to occur
1. Disables all wizard spells for 2.5 seconds
2. Disables Martial Skill for 8 seconds
3. Gives Levitation 2 for 7 seconds

Watcher mob

Crystfell Spider:
Giant Spider that is immune to crowd control and has a potent acid bite
Webs and stuns enemies making this a hard foe to beat

Crystfell Spiders only spawn around players with xp level 50 or higher

Crystfell Spider compared to a regular spider in the new Cryst Plains biome

Crystfell Spider in Cryst Plains biome

Cryst Plains Biome:

Arachnid Based biome with a high chance of spawning arthropods including the new early game spider boss Pete



Pete is a new early game boss, 3 spiders in a trench coat. 

getting hit by Pete has a small chance to put you in a web

When Pete dies, 3 spiders spawn in the spot where it died


Lesser Lich:

Summons zombies, skeletons and skeleton warriors to protect it

High damage ranged spell and self healing/protection spells

Only spawns around players with xp level 50 or higher





 A range of additional early game weapons to help diversify how you play the early stages of minecraft as well as powerful late game weapons and artifacts.

Potion effect based class system, craft class items and right click them to change class. Current Implemented classes: rogue, fighter, warrior, assassin, wizard, druid, titan, shinobi plus 3 subclasses for warrior, assassin, druid and wizard.
Elemental magic damage

New potion effects to add depth to combat and gear choices, some examples: Stunned, prevents movement and attacks. Free movement, provides immunity to slowness or stunned. Undying, upon reaching 0 health recover some hit points and gain absorption. Martial Skill, chance to passively block attacks, once an attack is blocked this effect goes on cooldown for 1.5 seconds. 

Item based mana system and simple spell mechanics, this makes it easy to pick up playing as a wizard or druid.

A wide range of mobs + lots of new bosses with a range of mechanics to keep gameplay interesting and hard

A new dangerous dimension to battle foes and mine in 

A wide range of consumables to help you in combat and new food choices

New enchantments to further power up your gear

Off hand gear so you have more choices than 1 boring shield or totem of undying for combat

Tameable Mobs (currently only 2 implemented) 

2 Naturally spawning structures: 

Wizards tower: small tower with high value loot but dangerous magic damage dealing mobs inside

Orc Palisade: A small orc settlement with some low tier equipment and food (soon will include 2 variants, 1 that will have elite orcs spawn here, and 1 that will have the Orc boss be present upon generation)

Upcoming Features:

More naturally generating structures to explore and conquer

Gamerules to increase/decrease difficulty of mod (for example gamerule keepClassOnDeath, gamerule PlentifulDrops, gamerule RareBosses, gamerule NoBossCrowding, gamerule WeakenedRunestones, Gamerule EmpoweredGluttonousFeeder)

More mobs, items, classes etc.

Difficulty scaling on bosses

New ores/gems to mine

For more information please visit the wiki* at https://farland-chronicles.fandom.com/wiki/Farland_Chronicles_Minecraft_Mod_Wiki    (*wiki is under development)

Quick descriptions of a selection of features:


Daggers: Off hand weapon that provides martial skill 1 when held, deals damage back to attackers with a short range, can be enchanted with warped counter to deal magic damage back to attackers at any range

Spears: Main hand weapon with fast attack speed and low damage, provides martial skill 2. when used to hit a target with high armour gives 12% chance to give speed to you and slowness to target

Maces: Main hand weapon with high damage and slow attack speed, hitting targets has a 10% chance to stun for 2 seconds

2 handed Swords: 2 handed weapon (removes items in off hand when held in main hand) with high damage and slow attack speed. when used to hit a target has 20% chance to give you slowness 1 for 3s, 10% chance to give you strength 2 for 4s if the target has less than 15 armour, and a 5% chance to give the target weakness 1 for 3s

Swords: In order to balance vanilla minecraft swords with the added weapons they now have some added features. when used to hit a target gain speed 1 for 3s. when used to hit a target 5% chance to gain strength 1 for 5s

Thunder Bringer Axe: Dropped by one of the bosses of the mod the thunder bringer axe is a heavy hitter. 2 handed weapon with very high attack damage and slow attack speed. Swinging the axe gives speed 1 for 2s. Right clicking the axes uses mana to give you the Thunder touch effect (your next hit will strike the target with lightning, dealing 18 lightning damage) this has a cooldown of 11s. Hitting a target with this axe while there is a clear path to the sky has a 10% chance to strike the target with lightning, dealing 10 lightning damage. This weapon cannot have the mending enchant, if mending is added to this weapon the enchant is removed and the player receives a mending book.

Iron Forge Rapier: Crafted from the body of a forge golem, this sword is an excellent choice for high dps with a sprinkle of defence. Main hand weapon with medium damage and high attack speed. Holding this weapon provides martial skill 1. Right clicking this weapon provides attack block for 2.5s (attack block blocks the next instance of damage and is then removed) this effect has a cooldown of 3s. Hitting a target with this sword has an 11% chance to give the target the potion effect open guard (next attack against the target from any source deals extra damage). This sword cannot have the mending enchant

Nether Forge Kiteshield: Crafted from the body of a forge golem, this shield is the pinnacle of defence. Off hand defensive item. When held has a 27.5% chance to passively block attacks. when an attack is blocked give the attacker weakness 1 for 3s, 20% chance to give the blocker regneration 1 for 10s, and 33% chance to give blocker resistance 1 for 4s. This item can be held in both the main and off hand to provide these effects, if one is held in both hands each block chance is rolled separately giving you a high chance of blocking the attack. this shield cannot have the mending enchant

Katana: main hand weapon, low damage high attack speed. right clicking causes user to dash forward and deal damage in a 1.8 block radius around them while dashing


Lizard man: basic mob that spawns in swamps, jungles, the dark plains, badlands, and warped forest. Has a chance to deal acid damage and poison its targets

Nether Stinger: Basic Mob that spawns in nether and the dark plains. has a chance to deal fire damage to targets

Blue tiefling: basic mob that spawns in the nether and the dark plains. fires ranged spell attacks that deal cold and lightning damage with a small chance to stun. first time they go below half hp they strike all non-tiefling entities in a radius with lightning damage and heal some hp back

Aashni, Bearer of Lightning: A minotaur Lightning demi god that strikes you with lots of instances of lightning, wielding the thunder bringer axe he is more dangerous if you can see the sky so try to fight him under ground or inside if possible. Striking aashni has a chance to teleport you to him, when he does this he will strike you with lightning that has a chance to stun

Forge Golem: A highly durable golem made of enchanted netherite. Hitting the forge golem gives the disarm effect, preventing you from attacking for a short period, however this has a cooldown. when the forge golem detects damage it will enter a defensive stance preventing damage and healing a large amount of hp, while it is in this state it cannot move or attack so you can use this time to heal up and prepare. Stunning the Forge golem during it's heal phase will greatly reduce the healing and make it vulnerable to attacks again. these together make the forge golem a tough foe to face alone as you may find it difficult to deal enough damage to break through their tough armour, healing and disarm ability, but a couple people using thunder bringer axes should have enough damage to cut the forge golem down.

Szugrar the bloodborne: A powerful blood sorcerer lich that will be the end of any unprepared assailant. Uses a ranged spell attack that deals necrotic damage and heals szugrar when it hits as well dealing necrotic damage to all entities in an area periodically. szugrar can also inflict grievous wounds upon his victims, reducing the amount of healing they will receive. Szugrar can be very difficult to beat due to his constant healing as well as cutting your healing. it is advised to have plenty of ironskin runestones and golden apples before attempting to battle szugrar


Combat golem: a high dps monster that will crush any unprepared challengers and rewards those capable of defeating it. Drops enchantment upgrade scrolls which can be used to boost some enchantments beyond their natural limits

Protection scroll: max level 5 (natural 4)
Sharpness scroll: max level 5 (natural 5)
Smite scroll: max level 7 (natural 5)
Bane of arthropods: max level 7 (natural 5)
Unbreaking: max level 5 (natural 3)
Runeblade: max level 5 (natural 5)
Shield Breaker: max level 4 (natural 4) 

Protection conversion Scroll: converts fire protection or blast protection to Protection of equal value 

Potion Effects

Heal: restores 2hp (1 heart) x level instantly
Martial Skill: has 10% x level chance to block an attack, when an attack is blocked this effect goes on cooldown for 1.5s
Stunned: Prevents movement or attacks
Free movement: immunity to slowness and stunned
Harm: basic magic damage
Fire damage : fire magic damage
Acid damage: poison magic damage
Necrotic damage: wither magic damage
cold damage: ice magic damage
lightning damage: lightning magic damage
Magic resistance: reduce harm damage by 10% x level (all elemental resistances do this for their corresponding type)
Grievous wounds: reduces effects of heal by 10% x level
Healing affinity: increased effects of heal by 15% x level
Arcane deflection: when user is attacked cause attackers to be knocked away from user and deal 18 magic damage to attacker




Reparation Runestone: gives large heal, and regeneration then goes on a cooldown, uses 1 runestone
Ironskin Runestone: gives absorption 2 and resistance then goes on a cooldown, uses 1 runestone
Sweets: Gives small heal and has chance to reduce hunger, has a very short cooldown, uses 1 sweet
Divine Thunder rod: teleports you to the nearest aashni, if no aashni is present then nothing will happen (will not teleport players to an aashni with tag showmodel so that players can use an instance of aashni for aesthetic/display purposes), uses durability
Thunder essence: gives 4 mins of lightning resistance 1, 4 minute cooldown, is reusable (essence for each damage type all share the same cooldown)
Shaman staff: Gives medium heal, and regeneration, then goes on a cooldown, uses durability


This is just a selection of the enchantments included in the mod, there are 26 enchantments total added in this mod

Gluttonous Feeder: when on tools, chance to reduce hunger when breaking a block, when on weapon, chance to reduce hunger when hitting an entity, when on armour, chance to reduce hunger when hit

Crushing Fist: chance to deal damage and stun in an area, can only be used on 2 handed swords and maces

Warped counter: causes daggers counter to deal magic damage and have unlimited range

It's nothing personal kid: when attacked tp to attacker

Magic power: increases potency of wizard class spells

Shield Breaker: deals bonus damage to players if they have the absorption potion effect

Rune Blade: chance to deal bonus damage and convert attack into magic damage

There's more to discover in the mod, not all features have been mentioned here and not all their details either, more details on the wiki* which again is https://farland-chronicles.fandom.com/wiki/Farland_Chronicles_Minecraft_Mod_Wiki  (* wiki under development)

Minecraft mod files
Farland Chronicles 0.83.jar Uploaded on: 03/12/2023 - 15:22   File size: 12.31 MB

Good mod!
With a diablo-style action system, with spells and everything.
This may be the future magic mod! (After electroblob s'wizardy mod)


This mod is very outstanding. I feel you should post the mod up on CurseForge, which would make it easier to play your mod with other mods. But, this mod is some of the best mods I have ever seen. Keep up the great work.

Wow from your description, you have put alot into this mod. How long has it taken you? I've been working on mine on and off for 7 months, and it's not packed like yours

been working on it for a year and change on and off, just when that's 'on' its all consuming and all i want to do so i get a lot done lmao. not everything in the mod is included in the description here just because i cant really fit absolutely everything in on here reasonably. Eventually it'll all be on the wiki for the mod but that feel like it takes longer than the mod itself lmao

Really love the mod so far.
big fan of the high intensity boss fights, favourite has to be ereb (it's terrifying when he does his special attack damn)

Looking forward to what comes in the future!

Thanks man, funnily enough ereb was the most simple of all my bosses to make aha but yeah his special can be terrifying especially if you're playing one of the squishier classes like wizard or assassin.

Personally my favourite is andrias, i think the fight with him has a good length and he deals enough damage to make him scary not to mention a lot of it is aoe so its scary even if you're in a team.

Currently working on getting everything onto the wiki but after that we have an orc boss incoming, a spider boss incoming and then a wizard basic mob, crystal guard basic mob

After that ill be implementing some naturally spawning structures including:

Wizards Tower - has a slightly powered enchanting table on the top floor but is guarded by wizards and guard crystals

Orc Palisade - an orc encampment will spawn the orc boss with it when generated

Lizardman Den - an underground den for lizardmen

Orc Village - A village of orc (no boss)

Dark Castle - will only spawn in the dark plains and will spawn a new lich boss with 2 new bone golems with it