A clock next to a writable book, representing the purpose of the mod.
Date Tracker tracks the date, allowing for a more precise history to be created. The date starts at 1/1/0 (Month/Day/Year).
It also keeps track of how long you play a world and allows you to view it.
/date - Displays the date (Month/Day/Year)
/age - Displays the world age in years
/get_time - Displays the current time (Hour : Minute)
/time_adv - Displays the advanced time (Hour : Minute : Second (Tick))
/year++ - Increases the year by 1
/year+=10 - Increases the year by 10
/year+=100 - Increases the year by 100
/year+=1000 - Increases the year by 1000
/month++ - Increases the month by 1
/day++ - Increases the day by 1
/timeplayed - Displays the real length of time played on the world.
There is also a GUI (accessible by pressing M) that can act as a shortcut to these commands.
Important Notes:
There is 20 Seconds (ticks) in a minute. (1 second)
There is 60 Minutes in an hour. (1 minute)
There is 20 hours in a day. (20 minutes)
*This is the mathematically perfect system*
/time commands don't affect the date or time.
Going to the nether presumably invalidates the time.
The time offset is fixed by sleeping.
-GUI for command shortcuts (press M)
-Improved how the time and date are displayed
-/time commands no longer execute /time
-Changed /time to /get_time
-Sleeping in a bed no longer invalidates the time