Upvotes: 1
Project status
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
in this mod you can go to the sky chunk.
there is chunk in the sky and you can fly with elytra
but how to go in the sky chunk.
for go to the dimension you need to do a portal with log (with any log)
and you need to craft a portal ignitier with dirt and stick
and if you enter in this dimension you get elytra and fireworks rocket
equip the elytra and fly farm ressources
you have a lot of biomes and structures
Modification files
sky chunk 1-18-2 1-0-0.jar - for forge 1.18.2
Uploaded on: 10/15/2022 - 15:43 File size: 2.02 MB
you should really touch up on your grammar... no offence obviously.