The Ender Mod

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Just a simple mod that I finished today. Adds a new biome, dimension, tools, a mob, structures, music disks, and magic. But, sadly, no armour :(

Mob spawn in the new dimension might cause some lag, but since I set the mob’s spawn weight to 1, it should be fine. This mod also adds three different teleportation tools:

1. The Elder Spear (Teleports the player that it hit to the new dimension)

2.The Nether Arrow (Teleports to Nether)

3. The Ender Arrow (Teleports to the End)

All three can be found in an Ender Temple. I made it so that you can’t use “Locate Structure“ to find it.

The Ender Mod: Part two.  (This release is not published yet. Wait till Sunday to download)


This is the second part of “The Ender Mod”. It remakes the Ender Temples into much better ones, with an unfinished Sculk End portal, a chest with loot, and a secret chest with a portal igniter, as well as a Diamond Chestplate.

This part also adds two new Temples: The Nether Temple, and the Tower of the End. Both have a portal to the dimension that it has in it’s name. The End Portal is completed, but all the eyes of Ender are missing. The Tower has Shulkers that will be your path to the top, which includes some tools, diamonds, and an elytra. The Nether Temple - well, basically a ruined portal with loot and stuff.

Adds New Crystal biomes, and of new music as well!

The Crystal biome is spawned in the caves of the underworld, and is recognised easily by the green crystals around. There is also a very well hidden little room with some useful loot and stuff. Two new mobs will be added to the game.

This part adds new music to the game, so hopefully you will like it.

link for Architectury api:

Minecraft mod files
The Ender Mod.jar - The mod itself Uploaded on: 10/16/2022 - 04:14   File size: 15.05 MB

Sun, 16: Downloaded music for dimensions 
Mon, 17: Added ideas of new temples. Planned new updates

Tue, 18: Minor temple design improvements

Wed, 19: Created mobs for voting. Added new description 

Thu, 20: Compared mob vote results

new temples!

Looks really cool! I will try it as soon as i can, but im pretty sure you cant put the api as a download. You can link the the api download site though! Also, what did you use architectury