The Dark Light

Published by DJ_9999 on
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In development
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Venture into a long forgotten world...

      The Cavernous Dark

The Cavernous Dark is a Dimension deep under the Overworld. It is pretty dark, so get yourself some torches! Or rather... Stars! In the Overworld you can find Sky Islands, they are made of Skystone, craft 2 Skystone, 1 Block of leaves, 1 Block of Sand and some Glowstone dust together to get Skydung! Now, destroy the Star Sprouts and place the Star Flowers you got on the Skydung and Bonemeal them to get Stars, craft one Star into a shard and craft that together with an amethyst Shard, make a Portal out of Stars and light it with the Matter you have.

Welcome in the Darkness...

Minecraft mod files
V0_2.ZIP - Version 0.2 Uploaded on: 03/02/2024 - 20:37   File size: 2.08 MB

V0.1 : Published the mod, play now!

V0.2 : Changed the Texture of Water Shugs and Glowpetals so they fit everywhere.