Reimplemented Additions

Published by RyanDxxx on
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I now mostly update Curseforge, as keeping multiple pages up for it does feel like a drag, but feel free to drop by and give my mod a try if ya want.

Reimplemented Additions is a mod that add's back unused, removed and or mentioned features back into the game, most of the blocks have had a slight update or have had to be remade from Scratch by me, this includes Sculk Jaw, the flower's have had a retweak/update, the Sandstone, the Original Copper texture, etc, all have been redone, only items that haven't is Waxblock, Bundle and Crystallized Honey.

This was a project just to learn MCreator, myself, I am learning how to code so I could hopefully get better at making mods without having to use MCreator, I apologize for the lack of screenshots and or detailing within the Description, I'm hoping to redo all of this part, just for now, it'll do.


Additional Features

Firefly Particles
> Naturally spawns in "Swamps" and "Mangrove Swamps" at Night.
> Spawn's around Lilypads in any biome at Night.


Fallen Oak Trees
> Can be found in "Plains" and "Forests".
Fallen Birch Trees
> Can be found in "Birch Forests".


Air/Fire/Water/Earth Paintings
| 2x2 Paintings
> Can be obtained via placing a painting down.

Illusioner Cabin

| Illusioner can drop: Arrows, Bow and Invisibility Potion.

> Spawns within Snowy Taiga's and Snowy Plains with 2 chests of loot.

New Items

> Can be crafted via 6 "Rabbit Hide" + 2 "String".
Crystallized Honey
| Provides 1.5 Hunger.
| Provides 1.2 Saturation.
| Campfire can cook it in 10 seconds.
> Can be crafted via smelting "Honeycomb" via Furnace or using a Campfire.


| 50% chance to drop from a Sheep. (Must be Adult)
> Can be turned into 2 "Bone Meal".


New Blocks

Waxed Sliced Copper (✔ Rotatable)
Waxed Exposed Sliced Copper (✔ Rotatable)
Waxed Weathered Sliced Copper (✔ Rotatable)
Waxed Oxidized Sliced Copper (✔ Rotatable)
> All can be crafted via a Stonecutter using "Waxed (Choice of Stage) Block of Copper".
Waxed Sliced Copper Stairs + Slab
Waxed Exposed Sliced Copper Stairs + Slab
Waxed Weathered Sliced Copper Stairs + Slab
Waxed Oxidized Sliced Copper Stairs + Slab
> All can be crafted via a Stonecutter using "Waxed (Choice of Stage) Sliced Copper".
Sculk Jaw
| Deals 3 hearts of damage (ignore's armor) and sends a vibration.
| Deals 6 hearts of damage to Undead Mobs (ignore's armor) and sends a vibration.
| Must be Silk-Touched to get back.
| Takes 5-8 seconds after activiation to go back to normal.
> Can be bought from Wandering Trader up to 3 times for 5 emeralds each or crafted via 6 "Sculk" + 3 "Bones".
Tiled Sandstone
Cut Carved Sandstone
> Both can be bought from Level 2 Mason, 4 for 1 emerald, and can be bought up to a stack of 64, or can be crafted via Stonecutter using "Sandstone".
Fractured Sandstone
Fractured Red Sandstone
> Both can be crafted via Stonecutter using "(Red) Sandstone" or crafted via Crafting Table using 3x3 "(Red) Sandstone".
Red Tiled Sandstone
Red Cut Carved Sandstone
> Both can be crafted via Stonecutter using "Red Sandstone".
Dirt/Coarse Dirt Slabs
> Both can be crafted via 3x1 row of "(Coarse) Dirt" in a Crafting Table.


Rainbow Wool
> Can be crafted via 1 "Red Wool", 1 "Orange Wool", 1 "Yellow Wool", 1 "Lime Wool", 1 "Blue Wool" and 1 "Purple Wool".
Rainbow Carpet
> Can be crafted via 2 "Rainbow Wool".


New Flowers

> Can be found in "Flower Forests" or "Plains" Biomes or bought from Wandering Trader, 1 for 1 emerald, up to 12 times.
Cyan Rose
> Can be found in "Flower Forests", "Birch Forests" or "Birch Forest Hills" or bought from Wandering Trader, 1 for 5 emeralds, up to 3 times.
> Can be found in "Flower Forests", "Birch Forests", "Forests" or "Dark Oak Forests" or bought from Wandering Trader, 1 for 1 emerald, up to 12 times.
> Can be found in "Flower Forests", "Forests" or "Birch Forests" or bought from Wandering Trader, 1 for 1 emerald, up to 12 times.
Pink Daisy
> Can be found in "Flower Forests", "Plains", "Jungle", "Meadow" or "Dark Oak Forests" or bought from Wandering Trader, 1 for 1 emerald, up to 12 times.



Luck Potion
| Gives "Luck I" for 5 minutes.
> Can be brewed with a "Awkward Potion" with a "Cyan Rose".

Unluck Potion
| Gives "Unluck I" for 3 minutes.
> Can be brewed with a "Luck Potion" with a "Fermented Spider Eye".
Minecraft mod files
reimplemented_additions_1.jar - Version 1.2 Uploaded on: 12/19/2022 - 03:19   File size: 258.4 KB

Update v1.2

- Re-added Illusioner with it's own Cabin within Snowy Plains and Snowy Taiga, this Cabin comes with two chests, and well, the Illusioner who now drops on chance a Bow, Arrows and a Potion of Invisiblity on death.

- Sculk Jaw now generates within Deep Darks below y -32, it can blend in with Sculk Veins so watch out (still a little janky generating but works).

- Renamed the "Mini Peony" to "Paeonia" as it was the original name.

- Renamed "Neutral Luck" Advancement to "True Neutral".

- Some small bug fixes to some blocks.


Update v1.1

- Added 2 new blocks (Rainbow Wool and Rainbow Carpet)
- Added 1 new item (Horn)
- Added 2 potions (Luck and Unluck)
- Added 4 paintings (Wind, Earth, Water, Fire)
- Fixed Sculk Jaw (Warden and Item's don't trigger it)
- Added a new achievement (Have both Luck and Unluck effects at the same time)

Rainbow Wool is crafted via "Red Wool", "Orange Wool", "Yellow Wool", "Lime Wool", "Blue Wool", "Purple Wool" to get 4 Rainbow Wool.
Rainbow Carpet is crafted via two "Rainbow Wool"'s.
To get Luck, brew a Awkward Potion with a "Cyan Rose".
To get Unluck, brew a Luck Potion with "Fermented Spider Eye".
Horn's have a 50% chance to drop from a Sheep and can decraft into 2 bone meal.