Expanded Worlds

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More images and information are coming soon.


The current dimensions include the Otherworld, Glacial Hell, and the Sky.

The Otherworld is a basic dimension that will in the future include more biomes that are alternatives to the Overworld biomes and mobs. Inside the Otherworld, there are the Otherworld Forest, Otherworld Flats, and the Salt Flats, which spawn in the Overworld as well.

The Glacial Hell is close to the opposite of the Nether, a large cavern made of ice with three main biomes, the Glacial Wastes, Underground Tundra, and Midnight Dread. The Glacial Wastes is a large flat biome with a snowy top layer with permafrost in place of dirt, the Underground Tundra is a flat icy biome that has close to no special features. The Midnight Dread is a dark, open biome that features a set of mobs and one tree type. In the future, the Midnight dread will feature more structures that are designated to the biome's mob, the Forgotten, with normal Forgotten, Warriors, and Archers. [DISCLAIMER- The Midnight Dread uses a sound set that uses sounds from the Nether (which aren't often heard) that may be unsettling to some.]

The Sky is basically the Overworld but in the world type of the End with some clouds, nothing notable but may eventually have more features that closely resemble the Aether.


This is a list of biomes that haven't already been mentioned.

Better Birch Forest - Basically the Old Growth Birch Forest but with mushrooms that don't orient properly.

Spice Biome - Pretty basic and only features a mediocre food item that gives a lame debuff.

Beach (Additions) - Just adding some crabs and palms.

Radioactive Wastes - A biome that I'll expand on in the future, currently features irradiated and radioactive mushrooms. The ground is made of irradiated grass and dirt.

Fluff Biome - A biome featuring elements to be fluffy, including cottonwood, the fluff flower, and the poofs, a floating mob that's like a tiny beetle with a giant afro.


All Edible Plants

All Edible Plants, Corn (left and top left) which is currently broken as a plant. Strawberries (right and top right) do work. Wild Potatoes (bottom) do nothing but drop potatoes.





 All Flowers (Image on the right)

End Plants




End plants, End Stalks (left), End Moss (middle), and End Moss (right).


Both end mosses are unrelated and independent, they only coincidentally have the same names.



Thin Birch Tree


Thin Birch Tree, an alternative birch tree that only spawns in birch forests.                 



Currently, there are a few artifacts in the mod, 3 being weapons, 2 being accessories, and 2 miscellaneous artifacts.

Mjölnir - A Hammer of Norse legend said to be wielded by the God of Thunder, Thor. Strikes lighting upon enemies hit and upon right-click will apply several stat boosts.

Obtained by purchasing the 3 shards from Wandering Traders or finding them in the sky dimension and crafting them together with a Lightning Artifact, which is also purchased from Wandering Traders or found in the sky dimension.

Pillar Axe - An axe that summons pillars to stand on, the pillars disappear after a few seconds. When a pillar is generated, the player will be teleported to the top.

Obtained by purchasing from Wandering Traders.

Hermes Boots - A pair of boots that provide ample speed and jump boosts. (Totally not taken from Terraria and made blue.)

Obtained by purchasing fragments from Wandering Traders and crafting them together.

Los Zapatos (The Shoes) - A pair of shoes you wear on your head that give inexplicable speed boosts.

Obtained by purchasing them directly from Wandering Traders.

Weeb Slayer 6969 - The cooler Mjölnir, which is also a sword. This is just a joke item, but pretty powerful.

Obtained by purchasing from Wandering Traders.

Miscellaneous Artifacts:

Lightning Artifact - Used for crafting Mjölnir, obtained from Wandering Traders or in the sky dimension.

Fire Artifact - No use and unobtainable.

Mobs & Creatures

I'll add images later, don't worry. I'm just tired writing this so I'll make edits later.

Crab & King Crab

Two crabs that spawn on beaches, King Crabs shoot at you when provoked.


Spawn in the ocean, delicious.


Spawn in multiple biomes and are hostile, can be tamed to be powerful attack partners due to their incredible speed. I do need to add more sounds and figure out how to make them not as loud.

The Forgotten, Forgotten Warriors, and Forgotten Archers.

I'll expand on these in the future but are neutral mobs that spawn in the Midnight Dread, Warriors and Archers are powerful and will fight back.


A Poof is a flying beetle-like creature with a big afro on top. They can be ridden so they can be used for great aerial transport, spawn in fluff biomes, and are immune to several things like explosions, projectiles, and cacti. They just peacefully float around and can't be tamed.


Retexture of chicken but has broken wing animations and also doesn't quack at the moment.

Mourning Skeleton

Passive skeletons that wander around and drop Crying Hearts, don't have much of a use beyond that.

Red-Eared Slider

Turtle, do I need to elaborate further? Notable that the feet animations don't work.


Pretty much just brown Endermites that passively crawl around.

Magma Creeper

A nether-exclusive creeper that explodes when punched and continues to explode and hop around until it dies of fall damage. No, I don't intend to fix this.


A random hostile mob that should spawn anywhere as long as it is above a flesh block. I will elaborate on the Consumption later, trust me.

The Consumption, Archaeum, and Ether.

Let's start with the horror of The Consumption.

The Consumption

An example of the consumption ravaging a plains area, it goes fast, however, this screenshot was taken after a few seconds at a random tick speed of 999 (about 333 times the normal.) The Consumption spreads both deep and wide and does spread over water.

The Consumption consists of three main blocks, the Heart, the flesh, and the veins.

Closeup of a heart amongst The Consumption.
Heart among the rest of The Consumption

The Heart is the core and can be bonemealed to be replaced by an Archaeum tree and replaces all nearby flesh with enchanted dirt and all veins with air, enchanted dirt turns into dirt. [WARNING - THESE CAUSE SEVERE PERFORMANCE ISSUES, I WILL NEED TO KNOW A FIX TO THIS.]


The flesh is the base block of The Consumption, it can be bonemealed to obtain experience but will not be replaced by any block. Flesh spawns when a vein tries to replace a block or when a flesh block spreads. The flesh will replace water.

The veins are basic nearly decorative blocks that also spread, have a carpet model, and can be bonemealed for experience. Will occasionally spawn as teeth or a bone structure. Bone structures do replace blocks and I do not know how to fix this, this includes the heart block.

Consumption after the Heart was bonemealed.

After being bonemealed, the heart will drop several bloodstones and replace every flesh block in a 600x600x600 block area with enchanted dirt which eventually turns back to dirt. This does cause severe performance issues. My only possible solution is to lower the radius or possibly just skip to dirt.

Bloodstone can be crafted into a Bloody Edge (a sword) that causes enemies to drop bloodstone upon being hit, I will try to make it so bloodstone only drops upon death.

Future uses of bloodstone will include death-related items. Potentially Death's Robes and various blades including scythes.

Archaeum Tree
An Archaeum tree has a block of wood with Archaeum sap which can be harvested with a bottle.


Archaeum currently is a sap from Archaeum trees and can very rarely be found in lakes.

Archaeum has no current use but to make Ether, which also has no current use. I plan to make Archaeum usable to negate areas of Consumption and also make it used for other life-related materials.

Ether MonolithEther

Ether has no current use, but is crafted at Ether Monoliths with Bloodstone and Archaeum. The Ether monolith is a block found in the Ether Monolith structure (pictured left, you can see a monolith block in the small hole towards the bottom.) Ether monolith structures do spawn slightly down in the ground, which will be fixed in the future.


There are way too many to list them all, so here's an image with every single one and I'll mention the notable ones.Too Many Items

The first two in this inventory are the hotdog and sausage, which were the first two items and are food in the wrong creative tab.

The 9 items that prominently feature the color white are calcium-creating items for a long process and most likely won't document in any meaningful way.

The Wand is the last item in the large chest and shoots high-velocity projectiles using Emerald Shards (documentation later on).

The golden glove that is the third item in the last row of the large chest is the Midas Glove. You can right-click blocks to turn them into either gold blocks or ingots depending on the block, it also turns mobs into gold blocks when punched.


Alright, last thing.

There are currently 2 working loot things in the mod, pots and lootboxes (which are purchased from villagers.) Lootboxes require keys to open and only drop small tophats right now, nothing to worry about.

On the other hand, pots are very common ways of obtaining loot, anywhere from string to diamond. Unpainted pots have standard drops and the only painted pots have more dye drops compared to the unpainted pots. More painted pots are soon to come. There are also broken loot barrels that are based on the loot barrels of the April 1st 3D Shareware version, sadly they don't work right and I have prevented their natural generation (they're custom btw.)

Emerald Shards are a form of currency and will also be considered mana, 1 emerald is worth 4 emerald shards on the counter. Emerald shards come from pots and nowhere else.


Did I write too much or did I document my mod well enough.

Once I'm done or satisfied with this mod I may make a story-oriented or a weapon, armor, and/or magic-only mod.

Minecraft mod files
expandedWorlds_1.jar Uploaded on: 01/22/2023 - 06:18   File size: 9.4 MB

1 - Release, literally everything.

Cool Mod! my only suggestion would be to make the colors of the flowers a little softer, as right now they stand out a little too much.