Oryl's Adventures

Published by XD_Oryljan on
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In development
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By playing on this mod on  your survival world you can get amazing prizes by beating new bosses, explore the world to find new structures,       Upgrade your weapons using New Ancient scrolls feature, and Much More!                                        

Newest Mod Version: 1.1.4
Mod is Available only on minecraft 1.19.2 and 1.19.4

Mod Content:



Ancient Monstrosity [NEW]

Health: 500
Armor Ponts: 20
Attack Damage: 19 + 7% of enemy's max health
Attack Damage when boss is angry: 22 + 10% of enemy's max health
Drops: The Skull Crusher

Boss description:
Ancient Monstrosity is a big monster that can be found in ancient temple structure.
Ancient Monstrosity slams on the ground with his giant arms, dealing a lot of damage to all entity's nearby.
If its health drop below 250 hp its attacks will become faster and stronger! [Boss is angry]
When Ancient Monstrosity hits its enemy, the enemy will gain a new effect (Broken Armor) that decreases its armor points.


Vengeful Warden [NEW]

Health: 500
Armor Points: 20
Attack Damage:
-Normal Attack: 15
-Brutal Attack: 18

-Teleport Attack 18 + 5% of enemy's max health
Drops: The Vengeful Hammer

Boss Description:
Vengeful Warden is a mob that attacks his enemies using fast attacks, and it can also teleport to his enemies.
It can be summoned in Ender Tower structure, while sacrificing Corrupted ender pearl in Cursed altar.


Frozen Titan

Health: 550
Armor Points: 10
Attack Damage:
-Normal attack: 14

-Brutal Attack: 16
-Explode Attack: 18 + 8% of enemy's max health
Drops: Staff Of Frost

Boss Description:
Frozen Titan is a giant mob that punches you, and sometimes slams on the ground with his both hands giving its enemies armor break (weaker) effect.
It can also Summon a explosion that makes every entity nearby slow and weak.
it can be summoned by lighting up Frozen Titan's Head made of stone that spawns in the middle of Frozen Metheorite Structure, using Ice and Steel


Endstone Golem [NEW] (Mini Boss)

Health: 170
Armor Points: 10
Attack Damage:
-Normal Attack: 13
-Brutal Attack: 16
Drops: Cursed Eye

Mini Boss Description:
Endstone Golem is a mob that can be found in Ender Tower structure.
Endstone Golem attacks its enemies swinging with his left hand, it can also slam on the ground with his both arms dealing more damage to its enemies.


Stone Beast (Very Strong Mini Boss)

Health: 450
Armor points: 1
Attack Damage: 18
Drops: Dark Diamond

Boss Descreption:
Stone beast is a mob that attack its enemies using its both arms, dealing 18 damage.
When a mob hits Stone beast there is a chance that the entity that hit the Stone Beast will gain  a wither II effect, and theres also a chance that it will spawn his little helper (Stone Brute)


Ancient Temple [NEW]:

Ancient Temple is a giant jungle pyramid that can be found rarely in jungle biomes (excluding sparse jungle biome).
by going inside you can find Ancient Monstrosity Boss.


Ender Tower [NEW]: 

Ender Tower is a structure that can be found in an end dimension, by going inside you can fight endstone golem mini boss, and Vengeful Warden boss.

Forgotten Fortress:

Forgotten Fortress is a structure that can be found anywhere in minecraft world (it can spawn only on grass blocks, and terracotta).
By finding one you can fight Stone Beast mini boss 


 Frozen Metheorite:

Frozen Metheorite is a structure that spawns anywhere in the minecraft world.
This structure contains Frozen Titans Head made of stone that can be lit using steel and ice, when lit it summons Frozen Titan Boss


Abandoned Jungle House:

This structure can be found in almost any jungle biome, by opening the chests you can find poisonous gems and ancient scrolls that can help you get better equipment.

Other Features:


-New Armor and tools Set (Dark Diamond):
New Dark diamond tools and armor are the same as netherite, but the dark diamond armor and tools set is very durable and almost impossible to break.

-Ancient Scroll:
Ancient Scroll is an upgrade for your sword, for example when you merge poisonous Ancient scroll with and iron sword the iron sword will gain ability to poison your enemies.
There are 3 Variants of Ancient Scroll:
 -Withered Ancient Scroll
 -Empty Ancient Scroll
 -Poisoned Ancient Scroll


Dark Diamond Shards:
you can find them in forgotten fortress's chests

Thanks to Rener for helping with coding.
All bossfight music used in this mod is made by Makai Symphony

Minecraft mod files
Oryl's+Adventures.v1.1.1+[1.19.4].jar - VERY IMPORTANT!!!!: to play the mod you need to install GeckoLib 1.19.4: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/geckolib Uploaded on: 08/07/2023 - 19:56   File size: 479.32 KB
Oryl's Adventures.v1.0.8 [1.19.4].jar - VERY IMPORTANT!!!!: to play the mod you need to install GeckoLib 1.19.2: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/geckolib Uploaded on: 08/03/2023 - 17:45   File size: 477.95 KB
Oryl's Adventures.v1.0.7 [1.19.4].jar - VERY IMPORTANT: THIS MOD REQUIRES GECKO LIB MOD 1.19.2 OR 1.19.4 TO BE INSTALLED!!! HERE IS THE LINK: https://www.curseforge.com Uploaded on: 08/03/2023 - 17:16   File size: 477.94 KB
Oryl's Adventures.v1.0.6.jar - VERY IMPORTANT!!!!: to play the mod you need to install GeckoLib 1.19.2: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/geckolib Uploaded on: 07/09/2023 - 09:38   File size: 216.42 KB


-V. 1.0.1 Added:

-Ancient Scrolls

-New Structure.

-Wither Orb

-Re - textured all dark diamond items

-some new Advancments

-poisonous gem

-dark diamond shards

-buffed Stone Beast Boss

-Removed Stone Beast Boss's boss bar

-V.1.0.2 Bug fix update:

-Fixed Dark Diamond Armor Bug


 -V.1.0.3 Mini update
 -Added Missing Craftings in smithing table (now you can turn withered sword to poisoned sword or withered sword to poisoned sword)

-V.1.0.4 Ballance update

 -dark diamond armor toughness: 3 -> 4

-V.1.0.5 Ballance update
 -Reduced Stone beast's boss XP amount.


-V.1.0.7 Content Update

-5 New blocks

-1 new structure

-1 boss

-normal mob

-fixed bug where forgotten fortress is cut by chunks
