Sysblackout's RPG Mod

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
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DISCLAIMER: This mod requires GeckoLib, PlayerAnimator, and curios. It will NOT work without them


Hello, this is my mod for Minecraft Java Edition 1.19.2! Right now it is in the early stages, but I will always keep updating so be sure to check in once in a while :^)


Recommended Mod: Better Combat 

- see downloads below for the Better Combat compatibility patch

- unzip .zip file and place in saves folder > yourworld > datapacks 

- The patch only covers a few of the weapons, however feel free to change any settings to your liking


Two major parts to this mod: Master Mystic and Master Hunter


Master Mystic - This part focuses on everything magical

  • Magical armors are given a brand new type of armor stat called Magical Defense
    • 2 points of damage (1 hearts worth) protection for every magical armor point an armor piece has
    • Maximum of 40 points of damage protected against depending on armor tier
    • Once it runs out, it needs to recharge; basically the higher the protection the longer the recharge time will be
    • New UI above the regular armor UI
  • Magical staves, elemental spells, as well as utility spells such as "Disappear" and "Entangle"
    • Elemental spells of each respective tier have the same base damage, but each have their own special effects
    • Utility spells have a minimum magic level required, however their effects gradually last longer as your magic level increases
      • e.g. Fire Instinct with a base level of 24 gives fire resistance for ~6 minutes Minimum 
  • Game loop goes as follows: 
    • All players start off with a magic level of zero and gradually goes up as experience via casting spells is gained
      • Soft cap of Level 60
    • Rune Essence is found all around the world of Minecraft, where iron used to be found
    • Slightly more rare than iron (10 blocks per chunk instead of 14, for example)
    • Mining Rune Essence with a stone pickaxe or higher will give an Essence Block 
      • fortune pickaxes will allow blank rune drops depending on level
    • Essence Block on Crafting table ----> Blank Runes
    • Magical talismans (talismen?) may be used on blank runes (on a crafting table) to create elemental runes
      • Air, Fire, Water, Earth
    • Craft a Normal Spell Book via blank rune + book
  • Start off using air strike, using one air rune per cast


Master Hunter - This part focuses on hunting bigger and badder enemies for bigger and better loot

  • The Hunting Knife, the starter weapon of this half and is paramount to all things hunting...ness :)
  • Not required to upgrade the hunting knife, this will always be an option to use no matter the tier up to tier 3
  • As you attack a mob, when its HP reaches 20% or below, you can use the hunting knife to end things swiftly, this is referred as a Visceral Strike
    • custom particle effects occur whenever its HP is below 20%
  • For full drops, you must do a visceral strike
  • A tier list of mobs, each growing stronger and stronger
    • At the lowest, we have tier one. This mainly consists of harmless critters (monkeys, birds, etc.)
    • Tier two contains the weakest of beasts and therefore drop Poor Beast Meat, however they tend to be very beefy (ha get it?)
      • Yak, most fungal creatures, Carnivorous Cactus, and so on (more to come in the future)
    • Tier three is when sh*t starts to get real! In this tier you will find strong, but not outright OP mobs
    • These guys drop Prime Beast Meat, a real treat if you can manage to get your hands on one
    • Tier three and onwards also drop Beast bones, a necessary component to many of the weapons/armor
      • Terrorbirds, bears, sabretooth tigers, etc.
    •  Tier four is the Boss tier - This has yet to be implemented 


...and more to come in the future!

Weapon effect/enchantment: Serrated edge, causes bloodloss (fast) effect which causes entity that was hit to lose 10% (15% and 20% for enchantments) HP in a matter of seconds; signature special effect of the Femoral Falchion.

- Planning to add/change

- 3D banana item and a new banana tree that grows in jungle and beach biomes

- Sabre tooth tiger mob that drops pelt similar to yak

- Sabre tooth tiger fur armor with custom set effect

- throwing knives

- Incense sticks with potion effects

- Mob special attack procedure system: each mob in this mod will (eventually) have their own unique "special attack/action" fit with their own animation. Non-hostile creatures will have custom (some interactable) actions such as the monkey eating the banana you gave it in front of you.


Minecraft mod files - Better Combat Compatibility for Sysblackout's Mod Uploaded on: 05/21/2023 - 08:13   File size: 2.63 KB
sysblackouts-rpgmod-forge-1.19.2-1.0.3.jar Uploaded on: 07/15/2023 - 02:37   File size: 1.59 MB

Version 1.0.0

Launch for Minecraft version 1.19.2 (Forge).

Version 1.0.1

Coming soon in the next update:

- New armor set: Yak leather armor 3D model implementation which is a prerequisite to crafting white/black knight armor; Intended to be a half-step upgrade between vanilla Leather and Iron sets. also intended to be a starter set with magical armor.

- New textures: Black and white armor now have a trimmed version (as you see in the top mod picture) and untrimmed version which was created to more accurately portray armor material. When crafted you will automatically get the untrimmed version. NEW crafting recipes for trimmed versions: untrimmed armor item -> gold block = trimmed armor item

- Change to existing feature: magical armor bar has been revamped and placed in a more suitable location. Deleted armor rating number that would pop up when wearing magical armor.

- Fixed bug where spell Fire Vortex had Water Vortex particles.

- a bunch of new custom recipes for items that previously could not be naturally obtained-

-created a curios bauble for the spellbook

- New NPC named Leena, wearing a currently unobtainable armor set

- Implementation of the magic armor system

-New item/entity animations

-improved the look of air, water, and fire essence