Diamond's Tool Mod

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Welcome To Diamond's Tool Mod!

This Mod adds-

-A Spear

-2 Types of Guns

-A Mattock (Pickaxe, Shovel, and Axe in 1)

-Obsidian Breakers

-Daggers (Faster than Swords, But Weaker)

-Obsidian Pickaxe

-Iodine and Uranium (use an obsidian pickaxe to mine)

-Ancient Nether Castles

-Voidite (very rare!)

-Exp Food Bars

What I Plan To Add


-TNT Types

-Loot Crates

-Strengthened Diamond Swords

-IDK You Suggest


Minecraft mod files
DTM_v1.jar - Diamond's Tool Mod V1! Enjoy! Uploaded on: 08/14/2020 - 13:27   File size: 189.58 KB