Cosmos Infinia

Published by Moldyfishy on
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This mod is based around space, letting you explore new lands with special, otherworldly environments. Experience custom ambiences that amplify the lonely and dangerous vibes of alien planets.

Please join my discord because it means a lot and i post teasers for upcoming mods and updates!

My Discord Server :D

For now, the following features have been added:

Rocket Traveling GUI: Press G when inside a rocket placed on a Rocket Platform.

Rocket 1 GUIRocket 2 GUIHelmet Info  Select a Destination then click Launch.

Wearing a Space Suit Helmet gives you the following information:

1. Temperature
2. Oxygen Units
3. Current Location
4. Selected Travel Location for the current Rocket you're in.

5. Jet Fuel in Space Chestplate (If it has Jetpack Augment)
6. Radiation Level of Current Planet/Environment
7. Radiation Resistance (Sum of all Rad Resistances *in Space Suit Pieces* / 4)

If Radiation Resistance is lower you'll get the Radiated Effect

  • Rockets (Tier 1-2): Build and upgrade your way to the stars.
  • Space Suits (Tier 1-2): Survive the harshness of space with proper gear.
  • Rocket Launch Countdown: Feel the thrill of liftoff with a dramatic countdown.
  • Ice and Lava Asteroids (REVAMPED): These spawn around Earth and have Asteron Ore, Raw Iron Blocks and Stelliron Ore used in MOST  recipes. Stelliron is the resource you'll use the most

Ice and Lava Asteroids

Moon Dome:

-You can find an Oxygen Generator and Oxygen Chargers inside along with some Magenta Beds.

  • Cloth Mesh: A crucial item for crafting space suits.
  • Circuits: Copper, Asteron and Photocite
  • Medium Oxygen Tank (5000 Capacity)

  • Environmental Effects: Experience Low Gravity, No Oxygen, Sun Vaporization, Toxin Exposure, Radiated and Frostbite on alien worlds.

-Toxin Exposure burns and damages you. You can get it by being inside a Sulfuric Cloud + High Armor Damage
-Radiated makes you very weak. Each Level is different.

All Planets have a level of Radiation from 0 to 3. Also Photocite, Plutonium and Uranium give Radiated if you don't have the proper Gear.
Level 1 - Poison, Fatigue, Nausea, Weakness
Level 2 - Poison, Fatigue, Nausea, Weakness, Slowness (higher amplifier)

Level 3 - Wither, Fatigue, Nausea, Weakness, Slowness (higher amplifier)

-To avoid Radiation equip a full Space Suit. Each Tier 1 Suit has a base of 1 Rad Resistance, While Tier 2 has a base 3 Rad Resistance.

  • New Destinations: Explore Earth Orbital Zone, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Titan and the Asteroid Belt.
  • 8 New Ores: Discover rare materials on your journey.


  • Lunar Silica Ore: Found on the Moon. Can make Lamps from it.
  • Lumiovite Silica Ore: Found on Titan. Can make Lamps from it.
  • Photocite Ore: Found on Mercury. Used in Space-Tech Machines and Augments
  • Asteron Ore: Found in Asteroids and the Asteroid Belt. Used in Space-Tech making.
  • Aresium Ore: Found on Mars. Used in Space-Tech making.
  • Uranium and Plutonium: Found on Venus (Fuels)
  • Voidsteel Alloy: Made from Stelliron and Aresium. Used in Tier 2 Space-Tech making.
  • Stelliron Alloy: Made from Asteron and Iron. Used in Tier 1 Space-Tech making. Can be found Naturally inside Asteroids along side Asteron.

Space Building Blocks:

-Moon Bricks, Marsian Bricks, Venusian Bricks and Mercurian Bricks

Astro-Tool Sets:

-Voidsteel Tool Set (Tier 2)
-Stelliron Tool Set (Tier 1)


From left to right: Astro-Ladder, Astro-Door, Astro-Seal Door, Astro-Glass, Space Station Compartments Placer (Garden, Orb Core, Tunnel Core, Launch Room)

-Now you can make Stelliron Foundation stairs and slabs :D

-These are made to fit the Space Theme and are functional, also the Door slides :D

-The Astro-Seal Door opens and closes when Right-Clicked
-Astro-Glass has high Blast Res and drops when broken

-Space Station Compartments Placer Can place: Garden Orb, Orb Core, Tunnel Core, All Tunnels, Rocket Launch Room in all directions, but not favored to place Gardens and Rocket Launch rooms below or up.

-Space Station Tunnel Placer Can place: 9 Blocks long and 13 Blocks long Tunnels in all directions.

Try not to overlap them or one will get destroyed :/
Right Click the Placer to open a GUI in which you can select what Compartment/Tunnel to place

Garden Orb

 -Contains Flowers, Grass and an Oak Sapling + a great view of the Void surroinding you

Orb Core

 -Contains 1 Aqua Tank + can expand in all directions.

Tunnel Core

-Can Make Tunnels in all directions or can be left as is. Kinda like an exit if you want to see the Void


-Horizontal Tunnels

-Vertical Tunnels

Rocket Launch Room

-Your only way to going back to your Home Earth or another Planet depends who you ask. It doesn't come with a Rocket


Advancements: (UPDATED)

Unlock helpful guides and earn rewards as you progress.

Infinity Opus:

A book filled with planetary knowledge, gifted to you upon starting the world.

  • Every Page has information about a specific Celestial Body.
  • DO NOT lose this book. But if you do just type /give_space_book in the chat to get a new one!

Here are some examples:


(ALL Travelable Destinations have information about them)



-There are many Variations of the Ecliptrid based on where they spawn.

-Ecliptrids spawn in ALL Travelable Alien Destinations

-They are passive unless provoked, very similar to the Zombie Pigmen

-Drops Flesh that you can cook. (Very yummy)


Their Love for Nature is big

Overworld | EOZAsteroids



Marsian Parasitefish: An edible mob with an invisible body and blue glowing outlines. 

  • Titanian Cryofish: An edible mob with a brownish body and a green glowing belly.     


Gives Night Vision when eaten.

Breathing System and Machines:

Alien planets lack oxygen, so you’ll need to create your own. Choose between:

  • A fully equipped space suit (fuel it using the Oxygen Charger).
  • An Oxygen Field Generator.  (MECHANIC REWORKED) 


-The Oxygen Generator now spawns Oxygenized Air that travels by itself instead of making a Sphere around it. Breaking the Oxygen Generator removes the Oxygenized Air. Try to encapsule yourself or your oxygen will escape into the Atmosphere.


You can put Water Buckets inside the slot with the Bucket Icon or put items which have Oxygen in the other slot to give Oxygen to the Oxygen Generator. An alternative is to use an Aqua Tank.

Aqua Tank:

-The Aqua Tank is a block which stores Water (Up to 10 Buckets) You can take out and put Water in the Tank.
Place below an Oxygen Machine and it will generate Oxygen. Aqua Tanks now can obtain water if you place water below the Tank infinitely.

Aqua Tank

Without oxygen, your supply depletes every tick, and you’ll suffocate if it runs out!

Key Details:

  • To charge your Space Suit Chest Plate, right-click while holding an Oxygen Tank Refill.

  • Both the chest plate and refills can be charged in the Oxygen Charger, with capacities of 2500 (Tank Refill)5000 (Tier 1 Chest Plate), and 7500 (Tier 2 Chest Plate).
  • (Chest plates require a full space suit equipped to function properly) (GUI UPDATED)

  • Charging requires Air (only in Breathable Dimensions) or Oxygenized Air (from an Oxygen Field Generator) above the Oxygen Charger. Aqua Tank below the O.C. adds a smaller charge (0.5 vs 1.0)


Left is Oxygen Field Generator. Right is Oxygen Charger. 

Aqua Tanks are below the Machines.


-This Furnace is way stronger and faster than your boring Vanilla Furnace.

-You can fuel it just like a normal Furnace, but this one has a Fuel Cap of 20000 and can store the fuel without needing to always have a fuel in the slot. 

Astro-Augmentor and Augments

-This machine allows you to Insert Augments into your Space Suit Pieces.
All pieces can have the Radiation Resistance Augment inserted in them if they have less than 3 Rad Resistance
The Jetpack Augment can be inserted into the Chestplates only.

-The Jetpack has a fuel of 10000, but currently doesn't deplete. You can press R to toggle the Jetpack. Sneaking makes you slowly descend. Standing still makes you go just up. If you toggle it while moving you'll go up and to the direction you're looking at. When you touch the ground the Jetpack deactivates. (Fall Damage is negated)

-Also now Space Boots can Dash. Press C to Dash. If you're sprinting you'll dash very far and if you are moving less you'll dash less. Currently doesn't have an Augment. 

EOZ - Earth Orbital Zone

 -When you first travel to the EOZ you will be teleported to random X and Z   coordinates and at Y=100 and you'll be inside a Space Station Main Core.
 -Each Player has their own base. I reccomend using Journey Map or any   mod which has a map that can help you tp to your friends bases. In the   future If figured out a Teleporter can be implemented.




Heres an example of a Space Station I made.

Ecliptrid Structures

-The Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury can have 3 types of Alien Huts spawning throughout their Eerie Landscapes

Venus - Earths Sister

-Sulfur Clouds Layer

-Venusian Terrain


Current Venusian Additions:

-All Venusian Ores now give Radiated if not protected by a Space Suit.

-Sulfuric Lamp and Sulfur Dust obtained from Sulfuric Clouds

Titan - Moon of Saturn


-Frozen Dunes

Frozen Dunes

-Titanian Methane Lake Plains and Titanian Hazy Highlands

Current Titanian Additions:

Titanian Additions

Lumiovite Silica Ore

-Can be used to craft Green Lamps.

Planned additions:

  • Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Europa.

Bugs may exist please report any issues so they can be fixed!

Minecraft mod files
cosmos_infinia-1.1.9-forge-1.20.1.jar - -Ecliptrid Mob Added (7 Variants based on Planet, Moon, Satellite etc.) -Moon Brick Set added + Chiseled Block -Marsian Brick Uploaded on: 02/18/2025 - 18:52   File size: 7.49 MB
cosmos_infinia-1.1.8-forge-1.20.1.jar - -Custom Space Station bases for each player -Stelliron Slabs and Stairs added -Astro-Glass added -Astro-Seal Door added -EOZ Uploaded on: 02/06/2025 - 22:40   File size: 7.27 MB
cosmos_infinia-1.1.7-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - -ALL BUGS WITH OXYGEN BREATHING ARE FINALLY FULLY FIXED!!!! -Stelliron Natural Alloy Ore added. -Asteroids are reworked to hav Uploaded on: 01/31/2025 - 11:07   File size: 6.98 MB
cosmos_infinia-1.1.6-forge-1.20.1.jar - -New Command /set_player_oxygen Example "/set_player_oxygen Moldyfishy true" use if No Oxygen is always applied Uploaded on: 01/26/2025 - 14:13   File size: 6.77 MB
cosmos_infinia-1.1.5-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - -Fixes issue with getting No Oxygen effect when in water for no reason. Now its really fixed sry for issue :( Uploaded on: 01/25/2025 - 21:41   File size: 6.76 MB

-Ecliptrid Mob Added (7 Variants based on Planet, Moon, Satellite etc.)

-Moon Brick Set added + Chiseled Block

-Marsian Brick Set added + Chiseled Block

-Venusian Brick Set added + Chiseled Block

-Mercurian Brick Set added + Chiseled Block

-Astro-Furnace added. Fastest Furnace and better than the vAniLla one.

-Ecliptrid Flesh added (Eatable)

-Titanian Lumiovite Ore added

-Lumiovite Lamp added

-Lumiovite Silica Crystal added

-Copper and Asteron Circuits added (Used in Machine and Augment making)

-Alien Hut Structures added

-3 Moon Ecliptrid Huts added

-3 Marsian Ecliptrid Huts added

-3 Venusian Ecliptrid Huts added

-3 Mercurian Ecliptrid Huts added

really good mod, add more mobs and maybe a boss and it will be the best space mod

I'm curious on how you did the generation of the dimensions, is it custom or using basic Mcreator? If so I'd love to know what tools or tips as I'm working on biome and dimension generation myself but they feel too basic for what I'm going for. Thanks :)