Sealtips (Advanced Tooltips)

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Ever wish that you could know what the enchants on your sword are doing for you without looking at the Minecraft wiki? Now you shouldn't have to with Sealtips!

What it does

Sealtips adds loads of information to items in a manner that mostly fits in with vanilla Minecraft. This information includes:


-Harvest Power of tools

-Tooltips explaining the effects of unique items (i.e. compass, spyglass, shield)

-Smelting Time

-Item Type

-Food Info

-Stack Size compared to Stack Size max

-If the item is enchantable or not

-Information on the enchantments on the item

-Rarity of the item

-ID of the item (mod_namespace:item_id)


And the mod is completely client side!


There is also a config file that you can use to decide on systems that you want and systems you don't want



-All information and calculations for the effects of enchantments come from the minecraft wiki

-Some enchantments do not have descriptions, this will hopefully be remedied in future versions

-Order of enchantment effect descriptions do not follow the order the item is enchanted in (i.e. if you added sharpness then fire aspect, you'll get sharpness then fire aspect tips, but of you did fire aspect then sharpness, it will still give the sharpness then fire aspect tips)

-Should be compatible with modded items, assuming those modded items are using the vanilla systems

-Not compatible with modded enchantments

-Feel free to include in modpacks 


Future Features Maybe

-Compatibility for some popular mods (open to recommendations, currently thinking of things like quark)

Minecraft mod files
Sealtips-fo1.19.2-1.3.jar - Version 1.3 for 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 03/29/2023 - 23:28   File size: 40.68 KB
Sealtips-fo1.18.2-1.3.jar - Version 1.3 for 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 03/29/2023 - 23:28   File size: 39.65 KB
Sealtips-fo1.19.2-1.2.jar - Version 1.2 for 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 03/23/2023 - 20:25   File size: 38.85 KB
Sealtips-fo1.18.2-1.2.jar - Version 1.2 for 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 03/23/2023 - 20:25   File size: 37.81 KB

Version 1.0

-Initial Release

-Durability Tooltip

-Stack Size Tooltip

-Enchantable Tooltip

-Enchantments Tooltips

-Rarity Tooltip


Version 1.1

-Config file added

-Port to 1.18.2


Version 1.2

-Added info on smelting time

-Added item type info

-Added info on hunger bar and saturation for food items

-Fixed Unbreaking and Punch not working with versions higher than their max amount


Version 1.3

-Added info on harvest power

-Added unique item tooltips

-Fixed bug with Item types

-Reordered item types to be below item rarity