Slap Battles

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Slap battles is a mod based off of a popular roblox game called "Slap Battles"

This mod adds lots of cool gloves that give special effects

These gloves range in power and abilities

Most of these gloves have their recipe unlocked at the start, although others will require some advancements to get.

The more powerful gloves get very buggy, so be careful with them and dont delete the enderdragon(I know the consequences).


Modrinth Website

Curseforge website


Guides can be found on my YT channel and discord server

Join the discord for sneak peaks!



 Boogie(icon that appears when getting the boogie advancement) art made by The_GravityBreaker







Mod status and known bugs can be found on the Curseforge page

Minecraft mod files
SlapBattles 9.Halloween - 1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 10/28/2024 - 23:55   File size: 31.18 MB

v9.Halloween // have fun reading

//Main Features
-disabled some gloves temporarily.
-advancements are no longer required to craft badge gloves
-some badge gloves now get stronger when their advancement is obtained
-new ingame event occurs Oct 29 - Nov 2
-added "Candy King" Advancement
-added "Sweet-Tooth Sovereign" Advancement
-added "Necromancer" glove



//other additions
-added "what" advancement
-added "Insanity" advancement
-added "Brick Master" advancement
-added "Caution: High Voltage" advancement
-added "🗿" advancement
-added "Druid" glove
-added "Trap" glove
-added "Confusion" glove
-added "Voodoo" glove
-added "Siphon" glove
-added "Bringer of Blindness" admin glove
-added "Stat" tester glove (made by ducky0845)
-added some secrets that some testers have access to
-added glitched variants of Phase, Jet, and Siphon gloves
-added "Apostle of Judgement" Advancement
-added "Wings of judgement" Item




//Glove and entity changes
-bob can now be killed(he has 300 health)
-lowered bob's movement speed(0.4 -> 0.3)
-there is now a 1/35 chance of spawning rob instead of bob
-rob now drops glistening sludge when killed by the cube of death
-new death message from bob
-increased step height of rob and bob 0.6 -> 1.4
-added an item description for Alchemist glove
-Slapping someone now registers the damage source as the person who slapped them instead of none
-added new death messages
-changed Diamond glove recipe to cost cobblestone instead of stone
-elude is no longer awarded when completing the maze
-made the phase orb 90% easier to obtain(1/1650 -> 1/165)
-some changes to how obtaining the orbs works in SB mode
-mobs that drop the phase orb(or siphon orb) will now have strength and speed
-added a secret to God's Hand's Time-stop
-when Time is stopped, instead of freezing in place, you will now move very slowly in the direction you were moving before
-velocity is now transferred back to the victim after time-stop
-damage from sources that weren't slaps is now dealt after time-stop
-all sound effects except for music are stopped when time is stopped
-Vanilla bosses and non-living entities are now immune to time-stop as well as some abilities
-God's Hand no longer has a slap cooldown during time-stop
-Retro, Admin, and Alchemist no longer require materials to use abilities
-increased the cooldown of Alchemist brewing from 1/4 seconds to 30 seconds
-increased cooldown of Retro from 2 seconds to 4 seconds
-increased cooldown of Admin from 5 seconds to 7 seconds
-rewrote the code for controlling Zombies
-controlled zombies now die after going too far from the owner
-controlled zombies will attempt to attack their usual target if they do not have a target
-Hollow purple now deals damage from the source of the player instead of none
-Hollow purple no longer deletes items and experience orbs
-Increased cooldown of Rojo(after Hollow purple) from 27 seconds to 40 seconds
-Resistance from Hollow purple now lasts 5 seconds longer
-Hollow purple now gets weaker over time until it ends
-nerfed damage of Hollow purple from 85 to a max of 60
-buffed Megarock to deal a quarter of your MAX health instead of TOTAL health
-disabled Run glove recipe
-you now only need default instead of totem of undying to go to the null zone
-removed the 1/25 chance for god's hand to have a special ability
-tripled the damage of Sparky
-Zombies and Spiders now spawn in TSA
-TNT from Retro ability now spawns on the user instead of nearest entity
-decreased the radius of the Blackholes entity detection 30 -> 16
-Slapples are now obtained from villager trading(farmer villagers)
-you now need to right click the block in the Duelist arena to return to where you were
-you now need to right click the block above spawn in Slap Battles Mode to go to the Elude maze
-Duelist arena now generates farther away from world spawn
-gave Kinetic a visual effect
-reworked Killstreak and Reaper
-removed killstreakphasemultiplier and reaperphasemultiplier gamerules(both gloves now act at the original values of 1)
-Gloves that explode no longer actually explode, instead use an AOE effect(LOLBOMB is not changed)
-Link glove now defaults to "Swap"
-Bubble now has a secondary ability to grant oxygen while underwater
-new phase 8 for Killstreak



//other changes
-removed 1.18.2 support
-removed a now useless command
-added a secondary ability keybind
-balanced most recipes
-Removed "Infernal" Advancement
-Changed all killstreak advancements(gotta re-obtain them sadly)
-removed Killstreak Alt themes



//bug fixes
-fixed a bug in the Null zone that prevented a piece of the wall from loading
-fixed a bug in some dimensions that made the fog look a different color
-removed both doors in the null zone that required the nullies to be killed,
-fixed a bug that loaded the Duelist arena in the Null zone
-finished the Null Zone
-fixed a bug that spawned a structure block in the Null zone
-fixed a bug that made bob die to every source of damage
-added an incredibly dense fog to the recall dimension
-fixed a bug where the Glistening meteor would remove blocks around it during generation
-God's hand timestop now builds up power again
-fixed a bug that did not load the Elude maze after the first time going there
-fixed a bug that caused items to spawn in multiples in the Elude maze
-THICC glove recipe is now given on spawn
-you can now go to the staff application if you already have "certified admin", but not "code breaker"
-fixed a bug that didn't grant Underkill when performing it correctly
-fixed Run glove recipe
-fixed some sounds being played from far away
-fixed a bug where conveyor would not work on players
-fixed a MAJOR bug that caused the game to crash whenever rob consumed an entity(shoutout to 'F3RR3TYT' and 'ducky0845' for helping find this bug)
-fixed a bug that prevented anybody from going into the Elude maze after going to the Staff Application
-fixed a bug that spawned the glistening meteor right at 0,0 in TSA
-fixed a bug where any orb you consume in any way did not disappear
-Admin glove's freeze ability now works
-Killerfish glove is now craftable(removed on death)
-Stat glove is now craftable
-most glove abilities will no longer target non-living entities(exception of gloves such as God's Hand)
-Going into the elude maze no longer despawns every entity in the overworld
-fixed a bug that did not show kill count while using killstreak/reaper
-fixed a bug where Slapples would sometimes not stack
-fixed a bug where error could be reversed
-fixed a bug that prevented reverse card from being crafted
-killstreak and reaper now grant their advancements again
-fixed a bug that prevented killstreak from gaining a kill if it oneshot the target
-fixed a bug that set your exit point to 0,0,0 when entering the elude maze
-fixed a bug that would despawn mobs whenever going to the duelist arena
-Reverse effect is now cleared upon enacting the "Reverse incident"
-fixed a bug that would put you in a limbo-like state when dying during the "Reverse incident"



//rewrote the entire code for a lot of gloves, boosting performance and making some changes:

-Cooldown changed 3 seconds -> 5 seconds

-Cooldown changed 7 seconds -> 10 seconds

-Now only works in the Overworld
-Cooldown changed 15 seconds -> 1 minute(5 seconds if error occurs)

-Cooldown changed 5 seconds -> 4 seconds
-Chance of spawning Mysterious Sludge changed 1/1000 -> 1/75

-Now applies the vanilla freezing effect along with slowness

-Now targets the nearest entity
-Cooldown changed 11 seconds -> 15 seconds(0 seconds if error occurs)
-now plays a sound effect at both entities' locations

-Cooldown changed 5 seconds -> 30 seconds

-Cooldown changed 30 seconds -> 1 minute

-Cooldown changed 50 seconds -> 20 seconds
-Range changed 10 blocks -> 12 blocks
-effect duration changed 5 seconds -> 10 seconds

-Cooldown changed 25 seconds -> 20 seconds

-Duration changed 8 seconds -> 10 seconds
-Now gain Resistance and Regeneration during effect duration
-Ability power increased 90 -> 102

-Cooldown changed 30 seconds -> 35 seconds
-Duration changed 10 seconds -> 8 seconds

-Cooldown changed 60 seconds -> 80 seconds
-Now targets the nearest entity
-Power increased 50 -> 60

-Cooldown changed 6 seconds -> 12 seconds

)God's Hand:
-Cooldown changed 5 minutes -> 3 minutes & 20 seconds
-no longer effects daylight cycle

)The flex:
-Does not one-shot if you have damage resistance of any kind
-Is no longer removed on death

-range changed 8 -> 10
-made new code for knockback distance calculation

-now uses Trance  and weakness effects instead of Time Stop effect
-cooldown change 1 minute -> 15 seconds
-range changed  7 -> 9
-effect duration changed 3 seconds -> 2 seconds

-cooldown changed 70 seconds -> 25 seconds

-cooldown changed 15 seconds -> 1 minute
-no longer gain fire resistance
-regeneration and resistance effect duration changed 30 seconds -> 10 seconds
-regeneration and resistance effect amplification changed 2 -> 4(regen) and 5(resistance)

-charge animation looks cleaner
-cooldown is equal to how long you charge the bat for, times 5
-can now be charged for up to 8 seconds
-Range is now always 6
-max damage is now 25

-range changed 28 blocks -> 4 blocks
-searches for projectiles for 1 seconds instead of 1 tick
-cooldown changed 1 seconds -> 10 seconds
-only deflects one projectile at a time

-Cooldown changed 1 minute -> 30 seconds

-complete rework

-toolbox now spawns for 5 seconds before despawning and becoming a "turret"

)Guardian Angel:
-no longer deals damage
-ability now activates on the nearest entity that you have slapped(with Guardian Angel)
-cooldown changed 10 seconds -> 20 seconds
-effect no longer disappears(until you die)

-added a 10 second cooldown
-now has durability

-fixed a bug that didn't fully swap the target and attackers' healths

-limit of 5 mobs in chain
-actually chains between mobs instead of AOE

-ability power changed 120 -> 90

-now prevents the target from slapping for 6 seconds

-Power changed 70 -> ?????

-Spawned entity has increased speed

-No longer deals damage to user

I don't know if night time screenshots are intended by daytime would make it more visible