Legendary Weapons

Published by Bartun2010 on
Upvotes: 6
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In development
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this is the best ever Mod Like listen Lets say that you get bored On your survival world like the weapons are to weak No  challange getting any weapons. Not Now!

Download legendary weapons mod for more fun. also Credits To " speedsilver "heres a link to my channel if you want to get updated on the mod updates ignore my cringy vr vids https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCj6hLVbDlEe7iWZrgxHI6A Hope you have a good day and please just give it a shot you can also find the mod of curse forge just search the strongest weapons in the world and you will find it thank you and hope you have a good day

Minecraft mod files
legendaryweapons.jar - the best weapons ever " inspired by speedsilver " Uploaded on: 05/08/2023 - 16:50   File size: 945.41 KB
legendaryweapons2.0.jar - LEGENDARY WEAPONS 2.0 CREDITS TO SPEEDSILVER Uploaded on: 05/11/2023 - 17:56   File size: 961.32 KB
legendaryWeapons3.0_0.jar - Credits TO speedSilver Uploaded on: 05/13/2023 - 17:22   File size: 1021.39 KB
LegendaryWeapons4.0.jar - credits- to speed silver Uploaded on: 05/21/2023 - 10:21   File size: 1.03 MB

4.0 AKA THE OVERWORLD UPDATE IS NOW OUT! adding the ocean Mix item, The Ingot of the ocean, heated Copper ingot, charged copper ingot , TWO new legendary weapons! The sculkerite Material and much more!


Did you use MCreator for the textures or how did you make them? I want to learn how to make that type of style of texture.

Is this available for bedrock edition, and where is the download link, can you make it more bold.

Pls reply quick

i am so sorry bud but its not available for bedrock. But if you want to play the mod i believe You should own java edition because bedrock, and java are bundled now. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask them!